Fanfic Challenge 1: Naked Cuddles (NSFW)

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A/N: If you know where the credit to the list goes, lemme know, and I'll credit the list creator. But I found it from another fanfic and decided to give it a try with this oneshot. I'm not going to create one daily, but I will do all 30 of them as short, simple oneshots. I obviously can't do number 30 because I can't see it, but I'll find a replacement for it when the time comes. 

It was all Will's idea for this vacation trip to up north in Canada, just him, Hannibal, a cabin, and the chilliness of snow and a frozen lake. [don't worry, his dogs are being babysat and properly being taken care of while Will is away]  Will sat on the lake in front of a whole cut in the ice, bundled up head to toe, waiting for something to bite at his line the he held. Hannibal sat next to him, also dressed warm for the occasion, reading. While he never found fishing interesting, he didn't want to waste any time away from Will while on this vacation. After a couple of hours passing by, Will getting lucky with a few catches and keeps, and Hannibal managing to nearly finish the book, the sun began to drop, and the temperature lowered noticeably. Will shivered, all of his layers becoming not enough for the lowering temperatures. Hannibal saw him shiver in his peripheral, marking his spot with a book, and turning to Will.

"I think it's time we head back to the cabin. If you wish, I can prepare what you have caught today?" 

"Okay." Will recasted his pole, gathered everything, and made his way back to the cabin with Hannibal. The cabin was nothing short of fancy, of course, Hannibal being the one to pick it out. It wasn't a big home, but it wasn't no simple shack either. It had a large kitchen that Hannibal fancied, a cozy living room with a great fireplace, a patio that sat near the lake's edge, and an upstairs that had a large, master bedroom, more than enough room for Will and Hannibal.  

They entered the cabin, stripping all of their upper layers of clothes, hanging them up, and left their shoes by the door to dry from the quickly melting snow that stuck to their footwear. Will still felt cold, walking over to the fire place to start a flame. Hannibal took the cooler that held Will's catches, and brought it over to the kitchen. 

A couple hours passed, Will sitting cozily at the fire place, Hannibal preparing tonight's meal, and snow falling in the night outside. 

"Dinner is ready at the table, Will," Hannibal said, coming up behind Will on the couch, planting a kiss on his head. 

"What have you made for us today?"

"Something simple; seared watercress with asparagus and squash."

"Sounds amazing." Will said, leaving the couch to go enjoy the meal. 

The two ate, only really engaging in small talk of what they've seen throughout their day, and things about the trip up here. After Will finished, Hannibal gathered the dishes, taking them to the kitchen. Will finished the last of his wine his glass, and brought it over to Hannibal. He walked up behind Hannibal, who was standing at the sink washing dishes, and wrapped his arms around Hannibal, putting his head on Hannibal's shoulder. They both stood there, Will watching Hannibal as he finished the last of the dishes. And when that chore was done, Will helped Hannibal clean up everything else, wiping down the table and cleaning up the kitchen. 

Will yawned, feeling the exhaustion from the trip catching up to him. "Do you want to head to bed?"

"Sure." The two walked upstairs to the bedroom. Hannibal began to undress as Will opened their luggage in search for the night wear.

"Shit," Will muttered.

"What's wrong, mon beau*?" Hannibal asked, walking over to Will, who was nearly frantically searching through their belongings. 

"I think I forgot to pack our nightwear."

"The nightwear I had folded and sat on the bed for you to pack?" 

"Yes, what we had planned to bring." Will sighed, now becoming annoyed at himself. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Will. Here, I have an idea. Let's wash up, prepare for bed, and just sleep naked, hm?"

Will's face grew a bit red, but agreed to it, mumbling that it would be uncomfortable to sleep in anything else they brought. They both took their own night routine; Will taking a short shower, quick comb through his hair, and a short stare at himself in the mirror; Hannibal taking a long shower with various products, a 4 step shave, an appropriate spritz of his own, expensive cologne, and a quick ponder in the mirror whether he should brush his hair back for the night or not. Will waited in a bath robe for Hannibal to finish his routine, scrolling through emails and social media on his phone. Hannibal left the bathroom in a loosely tied bathrobe, and walked over to the bed, sitting on it on the edge. He leaned over, giving a kiss to Will, who turned off his phone and sat on the nightstand.

"Ready for bed, brangusis**?" Hannibal asked.

"Yes," Will responded, standing up to take of his robe. Hannibal removed his too, draping it at the end of the bed, Will doing the same. When Will got under the covers of the bed, he found them to be cool against his skin. Hannibal joined him under the covers, Will snuggling right up next to him. Hannibal put one arm under Will, the other arm around the other side. 

"Goodnight, je t'aime***." Hannibal planted a kiss on Will's forehead, Will scooting the only inch closer he could, smelling the aroma of Hannibal, and taking in his body heat.

"I love you, too, mon amour****," Will said back, picking up on some of the Hannibal's French.

*Mon beau is French for "My beautiful."

**Brangusis is Lithuanian for dear, sweetheart, or love, Lithuanian being the ethnicity of Hannibal Lector in the book and series.

***Je t'aime is French for "I love you."

****Mon Amour, also French, for "My love."

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