Fanfic Challenge 2: Naked Kisses (NSFW)

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Continuation from the last chapter, Naked Cuddles:

Hannibal usually woke up before Will, his internal clock more mature than the poor sleep schedule having Will. This morning was no different. Hannibal opened his eyes to a slumbering Will, naked in his arms, almost forgetting they slept bare that night. In fear to wake Will, Hannibal remained still, trying to keep his breathing low and slow. He stared at Will, admiring him closely - his eyelashes down to his lips, the dimple from wearing his non-prescription glasses on the bridge of his nose that would go unnoticeable unless seen mere inches away, the curls that fell across his forehead, his short, dark beard that Hannibal felt when they kissed - all things he loved looking at that made his Will.

But as if the staring could be felt, Will stirred, opening his eyes, his first sight of the day being Hannibal.

"Did you sleep well?" Hannibal asked, bringing a hand up Will's face.

"Mhmm..." Will grunted, struggling to wake up like usual.

"Do you want me to make us breakfast?" Will pulled himself closer to Hannibal, laying his face against Hannibal's shoulder.

"No, let's stay in bed a bit longer," Will mumbled, half asleep. Hannibal just smiled, brushing a lock out of the way of his forehead, and kissed where the lock was.

"We can't bed rot all day, today. We've got to enjoy out trip. Plus, I've heard there is a good cafe at nearby town we can go try, do you want to?" Hannibal asked, trying to give a reason for Will to get out of bed. But Will only shook his head no.

"Do I need to help you wake up, Will?" Will didn't respond this time, so Hannibal took it as that he needed to. He pulled Will's face slightly more upward, to better face him, and kissed Will. With no initial reaction from Will, Hannibal continued, pulling Will's mouth down to open with his finger, sliding his tongue into the mix. At that point, Will began to kiss Hannibal back. When Hannibal noticed this, he pulled away.

"Awake now?"

"Not quite," Will responded, pulling Hannibal's face closer to kiss him again. Will kissed Hannibal more passionately, slowly moving himself more and more above Hannibal. Hannibal then quickly switched them over, holding himself above Will, still holding their kisses. Hannibal kissed at Will's neck, down his collarbone, and then his chest. Will ran his fingers through Hannibal's hair. But right before the naval, Hannibal stopped kissing him, got up, and got out of bed, grabbing his bath robe, and putting it on his once naked skin. Will laid there, confused on why Hannibal left.

"Hannibal?" Will looked around to him.

"You look awake now. Let's start the day." Hannibal kissed Will's forehead again after tying his bath robe. "I still want to try that cafe." Will pouted in bed, grabbing the covers, and wrapping himself up. Hannibal just chuckled.

"I guess I'll just go to the cafe with another guy," Hannibal said, walking into the closet. Will groaned, sliding out of bed, walking into the closet, hugging Hannibal from behind, laying his head on Hannibal's shoulder, as Hannibal looked for what to wear today.

"Glad you decided to join me, mon beau.*" Hannibal patted Will's head. "You still need to get dress, my naked treasure."

*Mon beau - French for "my beautiful."

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