Fanfic Challenge 3: First Time (NSFW)

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Will sat on the couch, holding the glass of ice, a rim of whiskey at the bottom. He sighed, feeling the bottle of wine he and Hannibal shared over dinner paired with two glasses of whiskey. Hannibal sat in the single chair next to the couch, still sipping wine, a different brand from what was drunk during dinner.

The two were aware of the feelings between each other. But to like the same sex was such an odd experience for them, a new thing, that they never knew how to address it. Will thought to get with Hannibal, and be a couple, but feared that it would drive Hannibal away. Hannibal thought more for the future, and wanted to marry soon, but felt that would be too much of a rush for Will. So they both remained casual, but still attempted their advances, poking the possibilities with a stick.

"Will, you've never really spoken about past romantic relationships. Have you had any?" Hannibal asked.

"Just one. A girl in high school, although it didn't last long. I apparently never gave her enough attention." Will held the glass on his thigh, tracing the edge of the glass with his finger. "What makes it worse, I'm 37, and I've never slept with anyone." Hannibal raised his eyebrows at that, a little surprised.

"No one?" Will shook his head. He leaned over, sitting his glass on the table in front of him, picked up the bottle of whiskey, and refilled the glass again. Hannibal took another sip of his drink before placing the half empty (or half full) wine glass on the table. He rose from his chair, and moved over to sit next to Will. After Hannibal sat down, Will looked over to him.

"What about you?" Will returned the question.

"Hmm... Well, I've had my fair share of romance. And sex, I should say too." Hannibal looked over at Will, a hint of lust in his eyes.

"Figured, you've got your very attractive qualities. I'd doubt a women has ever said no to you." Will tossed back the 3rd glass of whisky, putting his glass down on the table. He glance at his watch, and noticed the late time growing later.

"I should get going soon. I don't want to overstay my welcome. I thank you for dinner, it was lovely, as always." Will kept sitting for a moment longer, not really wanting to leave.

"You should stay a bit longer," Hannibal requested.

"Why for?" Will asked, wondering why Hannibal would have wanted him to impose longer. But to his surprise, Hannibal only leaned over, kissing Will gently on the lips. A kiss, something both of them wanted from each other for a long time. Will began to lean back into the kiss, but Hannibal backed away. Hannibal looked at Will, waiting for a reaction.

"Did you mean to kiss me?" Will didn't know whether this was a hallucination, or a dream of his while in reality, he's sound asleep in his bed.

"Do you want me to mean it?"

Will nodded, going back in for another kiss, a longer, more passionate one. Hannibal slid his hand up to Will's cheek bone, caressing Will's cheek with his thumb, his other handing sliding it's way around Will's waist, pulling Will closer to him. Will put his arms around Hannibal's neck, letting them loosely cross behind him. Will's heart raced, still wary whether any of this was real or not. As his mind raced, thoughts colliding into one another, not able to really keep a focus, Hannibal ran his hand through Will's dark, curly hair, taking his kisses down Will's cheek, pass his jaw line, and down his neck. At that moment, everything seemed to melt away, no longer troubling, and Will decided to just enjoy the moment, reality or a dream.

"You mentioned that you're still a virgin," Hannibal whispered on Will's neck between kisses.

"Yes..." Will sighed, running his hand up Hannibal's neck into his hair. Hannibal sat back up, looking at Will.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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