~14th Birthday~

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In New York City...

A girl with black hair and tanned skin wakes up from her amazing dream because her mother, Barbara Keynes, yelled: "JESSICA! GET UP! Aeon go call your step sister!!!" Jess bulted awake and she saw her robotic AI step sis, Aeon enter her room. "Good morning, Jess. I sense your blood pressure is high. Are you scared?" Aeon smiled and tilted her head. "Duh!!! I was woken up by a loud mom who was probably planning on throwing a slipper at me!!!"

"Oh well... You know, mo- Barbara. Is always like that... Come on! Today is your 14th birthday!!! You can finally join us as a super hero!!!" Jess immediately went to get ready. "AEON GET OUT!!! I COMPLETELY FORGOT IT WAS MY BIRTHDAY!!!" Aeon giggled and went out of Jess' room waiting for her outside. "I can't believe you forgot your own birthday!"

Jess got ready and ran outside her room and went to the kitchen where her step mom, Olympia Hills Aka Majestia was cooking pancakes while her mom Barbara Keynes was on the table, reading the news while sipping coffee. Olympia noticed Jess was awake and immediately greeted her. "There's the birthday girl! Happy birthday Jessica!!! Are you excited to be your mother's sidekick?"

Jess nodded. "Yup! I've been waiting to be Sparrow since mom told me all about it!!!" Jess sat at the table and started eating her pancakes. She has been dreaming about being Sparrow since she was little! Barbara aka Knight Owl was kinda like batman but female. Except... No one knows Knight Owl is a female. And Jess can't tell anyone she's female as well. They both have to pretend their males because of a history going on in their family...

"Who knows? You might even find a boyfriend today~" Jess coughed on her pancakes, while Aeon laughed. "Seriously, Olympia?!! How many times do I have to tell you, I'm into women! I'm a lesbian!" Olympia looked shocked. "Oh my! I wasn't paying attention to that detail! I'm so sorry I didn't know, Jessica! Wait... Does that mean your gonna be finding a girlfriend today~?"

Everyone in the kitchen ooo'd Jess as she groaned and facepalmed. "Seriously! I'm 14!! I'll get a girlfriend when I'm interested!!"

After breakfast, Barbara gave Jess her transformer. Jess pushed the button on the transformer/bracelet and she transformed into Sparrow!!!

(We're gonna use he/him when she transforms into Sparrow. Support their decision of being male!)

Olympia had tears in her eyes. "The little bird is finally ready to leave the nest!" Barbara chuckled. "Don't get so emotional, hun"

Two Birds on a Wire ( Sparrow/Jessica Keynes x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now