~Hypnotiser and Sedusa~

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Jess or... Sparrow. Was patrolling for the first time!!! This will eventually lead to him fighting a villain for the first time!!!

As Sparrow was patrolling and testing out his abilities and weapons, he got an allert. Hypnotiser and Sedusa have escaped prison!!! Hypnotiser can hypnotise people into doing his dirty work, obviously. It's in the name!! And Sedusa. Do I have to explain? Look at the name!! She can seduce people easily!! (If your wondering, yes I got the name Sedusa from the power puff girls and yes I know Sedusa kinda sounds like Medusa)

Sparrow was so excited!! He meeted up with Uncanny Valley (Aeon) Majestia (Olympia) and Knight Owl (Barbara) on top of a building. "What's the plan, Sir?" Sparrow asked.

"Alright team. Let's get down to bussiness... Hypnotiser has hypnotized one building filled with people that are currently doing work for him. I don't know what he's planning, but I have a feeling it's bad... Especially when I saw the news that it's Hypnotiser and Sedusa's wedding anniversary tomorrow... Speaking of Sedusa. Since she was an independent woman before she met Hypnotiser according to her uninteresting magazines that we had no choice but to keep around... She has more self love meaning her power is much more powerful than her husband's. Olympia, Uncanny, you take the left building of Sedusa, and I take the right. Sparrow. You take Hypnotiser's building. Since this is your first time, I'm letting you go on your own. No funny bussiness!"

Sparrow nodded. "Yes sir. Thankyou sir!" The four split up and went to their assigned buildings. Sparrow smashed the glass wall with his graphling hook and went in. Making sure not to make as much noise as possible since he already broke that glass wall which made a lot of noise-

But then... He heard screaming. Even a girl's voice. He immediately went into action and busted open that do it. "Don't worry, Little lady! I'm here to saaaa...ve....." Sparrow stopped talking when he saw a girl with H/l H/c and
E/c eyes. She had a dagger in hand and was pointing the tip at a guy who was hypnotised by Hypnotiser.

"I SWEAR IF YOU DON'T TELL ME WHAT I NEED TO KNOW I'M GONNA SHOVE THIS DAGGER DOWN YOUR THROAT YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SH-..." The girl stopped what she was about to say when she saw Sparrow. She immediately threw her dagger at Sparrow who dodged it. Making the dagger close the door. While Sparrow was distracted, looking at the dagger, the girl wasted no time and pinned Sparrow to the door pointing another dagger not at the hypnotised man but at Sparrow this time.

"You... What do you want... Are you one of those insane people who keeps trying to hack through the system or either attack me???" The girl glares at Sparrow. "N-No!! I was actually here to stop them and when I heard your screams I thought you needed help!!!"
The girl hummed and stopped pointing her dagger at the new heroine. "Fine... Also, those screams we're screams of frustration! I was trying to get answers out of that bozzo!" The girl pointed her dagger at the tied up man who was hypnotised. "Who are you exactly? You aren't dressed up like a normal person. Are you a super heroine?"

The girl tilted her head. "Y-Yes! I'm new actually. Sparrow. Nice to meet you" The girl sighed. "Y/n. Y/n L/n. Now, tell me what's happening here! These people are insane!!" Y/n yelled. "I know, I know. They aren't insane, their just hallucinating" "Huh-"

"Hypnotiser. He's the one who started all of this. And his wife I guess..." Y/n hummed. "Okay... How do we stop him?" "Good question! We- wait- what do you mean we?" Sparrow asked. "Well, your new. You won't exactly do well on your own on the first day. Trust me, I've been there" Sparrow sighed. "No! I don't even know you!" Sparrow yelled making Y/n glare at him. She got closer to him slowly.
"If you don't let me come with you, I'm gonna shove this dagger down your throat instead..."

Sparrow thought for a moment and sighed. He knew she wouldn't actually do it. (She actually would-) But. He knew she probably won't back down on this. "Fine, Little lady. If you insist!" Y/n smiled. "So, what's the plan... Birdie?" Sparrow hummed and thought of a plan. "Follow me for now... I can't think of anything"

Y/n nodded. The two ran out of the room to search for a way to stop hypnotiser. As they were about to turn, they saw Hypnotiser. The two quickly hid behind the wall. "Who is that...?" Y/n whispered. "That's him... Shush..."



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