Welcome bord Biggie

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As we were in the ballon Poppy was looking out, Riley who was reading a book, which is called What if Cinderella never tried on the glass slipper? By Elizabeth Lim

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As we were in the ballon Poppy was looking out, Riley who was reading a book, which is called What if Cinderella never tried on the glass slipper? By Elizabeth Lim. As she was reading the book she heard her boyfriend."Alright. In a short 456 pages, I'm gonna know how to fly this thing." Branch says as he opens a manual on how to fly a hot air balloon.

"Uh, Branch, we don't need a giant, comprehensive manual. How hard can it be?" Poppy says before grabbing the manual and throwing it off the hot air balloon.

Poppy walks up to the controllers and started to push a few buttons, which causes the hot air balloon to fly really fast and in different directions. We finally stop a few seconds later.

"Alright, Poppy! Easy on the buttons!" The hot air balloon exclaimed to Poppy.

"Sorry." Poppy replies back.

But however they then  heard a snoring?

"Shh, what was that?" Branch asked.

The trio look towards the cotton candy pile and walk towards it. As they move the cotton candy to see Biggie and Mr. Dinkles sleeping, who is cover in cotton candy.

"Biggie?" Poppy asks.

Biggie wakes up and looks at us. "Oh, hello. Sorry. I couldn't help myself. You know how I am around cotton candy." He says to us.

Mr. Dinkles was now stuck to Biggie.

"Oh, dear. Now looks what's happened. Mr. Dinkles got all gummed up." Biggie says as he tries to get Mr. Dinkles off him.

Mr. Dinkles was now stuck to Biggie's hand. Biggie shakes his hand really hard and Mr. Dinkles goes flying off the hot air balloon.

"Oh! Mr. Dinkles! Mr. Dinkles!" Biggie Shouted Over The edge, looked down, Saw Mr. Dinkles stuck on the side, then said as he grabbed Mr. Dinkles. "Oh there you are! Thank you! Phew! Right then, we'll just be on our way-". When Biggie Looked Over The Edge He Exclaimed."Poppy! Where are you balloon flying us to?" Biggie Asked Frightened.

"We're on a mission to help Barb untie the Trolls, and I'm so glad You're coming with us." Poppy answers with excitement.

"I did what in the who now?" Biggie asks, still confused.

"Hey, man, join the club." Branch says sarcastically to Biggie.

"And I hope you didn't eat all the cotton candy, because Barb is gonna love it." Poppy says.

Poppy  and Riley then noticed Branch  was trying to hide something." Branchifer,"Poppy and Riley says union.

"Yes, Poppifer? RyRy?" Branch asked

"What is this?" Riley asked him.

"Oh it's nothing, nothing. That's just my man stuff." Branch says as he stands in front of the basket.

"I love man  stuff!" Poppy exclaimed.Poppy opened It only to see sharp sticks and rocks.

"Weapons? For shame." Poppy says as she looks at Branch."Violence never solves a problem, Branch."Poppy says. She threw a stick which landed in Mr.Dinkles mouth. Biggie exclaimed and popped it out. It almost hit Branch  until he  caught It without even looking.

"I'm not saying we have to use them. I'm just saying it's better to be prepared in case we need them." Branch says to Poppy.

"We won't need them unless these pointy sticks help you listen or these rocks help you put yourself in someone else's shoes." Poppy says.Then Found A golden-brass knuckle and asked. "And what about this? I-I-I-Is this some sort of jewel - oh It's actually kinda cool-looking." She sang a note.

"Give me that!" Branch exclaimed as the finally got his  stuff back.

"We don't even know what's out there." Branch says.

But however Poppy kick their stuff out of the hot air balloon Branch groaned, "Oh man. By the way,  I Whiddled those four hours."

"Guys, the only weapons we need are this guy and this guy, for hugs." Poppy says as she holds her arms out.

"Uh, you may want to take a look at this." Biggie says as he points to something in the distance.

As they look to see a destroyed village. Riley stared in horror as she saw the village destroyed.

"This is gonna take a lot of hugs." Branch says.

Riley's and the World Tour [Branch x Oc]CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now