The Separation 

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"No. No! Let me help you!" Poppy pleaded to Cooper, but it was pointless. But then suddenly everything went dark, making Lucy  ask in shock and disbelief while looking around "What's going on?!!"

Prince D exclaims angrily "Aw, you kidding me?!"

outside the spaceship, it turned out that Riff had flown his motorbug to the top of the ship and cut off the Funk Trolls' power supply with a mischievous giggle. "Hard Rock cut the power!" Queen Essence announced and this made Prince D flew back to his family and ally as he said in frustration "They're fighting dirty!" and while the Funk Trolls began panicking, not sure what to do.


The two girls cried out before the bubbles were sucked away. Eventually they came out flying out of the Funk spaceship, the bubbles floating aimlessly with the panicking Trolls, and the two guardians inside as they bumped into each other, which made them bounce away from each other; going into different directions. "Riley! Hickory!  Lillian!" Poppy shouted towards them.

"Riley!" Branch said worried about his girlfriend.

"Branch! Don't worry I will tried to find you I promise!" Riley assured her boyfriend, she floated away.

Kinda skip where Branch and Poppy fight so yeah

Meanwhile with Lillian and Riley

As they finally got to the ground they noticed they were somewhere in the forest.
Lillian looks at Riley." Riley?" She asks softly.

Riley looks at her as  a single tear streaming down her face

Lillian frowns and opens her arms out Riley quickly tackles her making Lillian fall to the ground but didn't care as she hugs her friend she didn't care that her shirt was getting wet

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Lillian frowns and opens her arms out Riley quickly tackles her making Lillian fall to the ground but didn't care as she hugs her friend she didn't care that her shirt was getting wet.

"Shh, it's okay we will find them." Lillian says.

"How?" Riley said looking at her.
Lillian was about to say something when they heard music? They both look at each got up as they follow the music once they stop they saw new trolls and one familiar troll.

"Wait wait wait wait wait. Why does Barb get to decide which music should be saved? All music should be saved." Branch stated.

The two leaders looks at each other and than looks at Branch." All right, okay. I'm listening,Pop troll." Tresillo says to Branch.

"Branch is that you?" K-Pop gang and Reggaeton along with Branch saw to humans.

"Branch!" Riley exclaimed as she was happy to see her boyfriend she rushed over to him and tackles him to the ground, Branch wrap his arms around his girlfriend and gently say soft words to her, telling her that I am okay and that everything all right.

Riley's and the World Tour [Branch x Oc]CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now