Symphony Village and Guridan of Classical Trolls

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As the trolls and Riley land in the village and look around

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As the trolls and Riley land in the village and look around.By the looks of the place, it looks like this place belongs to the classical Trolls.

"Oh my god what happened here?" Riley said

"Something gnarly happened here." Branch says.

"Hello?" A little voice says to us.

"Who said that? Identify yourself." Branch says to the voice.

"Uh, are you nice or are you mean?" The voice asks us.

"We're nice. We're really nice." Poppy answers.

"Yeah, but not too nice. So don't even try it." Branch says in a threatening way.

"Okay." The voice says as a flute peaks out from behind a pile of sand.

Riley rush over to the flute and pick it up softly.

"What is this place?" Poppy asks as she stands next to Riley, the flute was gonna say something but they then heard another voice."It used to be called Symphonyville. Where the Classical Music Trolls lived. But that was in the before."A voice said quietly the trolls and Riley gasped as they saw another human, Riley looked at the woman who was around 20 she was wearing, black headphones around her neck and that she was wearing is a  long pink sleeves shirt blue jeans, and black Converse, with pink makeup,  and a sun necklace she also saw behind her back was bright yellow wings

The girl eyes widen as she also saw another human too," Are you a nice fairy or a mean fairy," she asked Riley.
"I am nice fairy," Riley replied to her." What's your name?"
"Lillian but everyone calls me Lilly,"
Riley smiles and said." Nice to meet you Lilly my name is Riley guardian of Pop trolls, over here is Queen Poppy, Branch, and Biggie and that is Mr. Dinkles."
Lillian nods shyly Riley can tell that she is very shy but she didn't mind that she used to be shy when she came to this world but now she was confident.

"What happened here?" Riley asked/questioned the flute.

"Well, it was the most wonderful place you ever did seen. It was a place where all of the Classical Music Trolls could live in perfect harmony. Wherever the conductor led, we followed. But then Queen Barb  and Queen Emma, showed up. She took our string. Our music. She took everyone. We lost everything." The flute says to us.

Riley stopped in shock knowing that wasn't the Emma she knows. Her best friend since childhood that she never knows that now she is wanting to destroy music.

"Barb  and Emma doesn't want to unite us. She wants to destroy us." Poppy says to us.

"We need to make sure our own string is safe." Branch says as he walks up to me and Poppy, Riley nodded agreed to what Branch said.

"Our string is safe." Poppy says before pulling the Pop string out of her hair.  Riley look at her in shock as she was crazy to bring the string with her!

"What?! Poppy are you crazy?" Branch asks Poppy.

"I thought it was a good idea at the time. I can't believe another queen would use her power for evil." Poppy says to Branch.

"Okay. Change of plans. We need to get home as fast as we can and get everyone in the bunker." Branch says.

"Uh, no. Change of plans. We have to stop Barb from destroying all music. If we don't stop her, who will?" Poppy asks.

"Poppy, you said this could be handled with hugs. How are we gonna hug our way out of this one?" Biggie asks as he starts to freak out.

"It's okay, Biggie." Poppy says.

"Really? It's okay to be terrified? When am I gonna learn to stay away from the cotton candy?!" Biggie asks with more fear in his voice.

"No. As your queen, I promise that I will protect you, no matter what. I... pinky promise." Poppy says as she has her pinky out.

Biggie gasps as he turns around to face Poppy.

"Poppy, you know you can't go back on a pinky promise." Biggie says to her.

"Never did, never will." Poppy says.

Biggie and Poppy link pinkies together and they stated to levitate as pink glitter started to appear around them. The pink glitter started to blow everywhere, causing the hot air balloon to fly off.The glitter disappears and Biggie and Poppy land back on the ground.

"Let it be so." Poppy says.

"And so it is." Biggie says afterwards.

Branch groans but I just stood their in shock at what just happened.

"This just got real." The flute says from behind us, Lillian nodded to flute

then Poppy opens a map of Troll Kingdom and places it on the ground."We have to get to the Country Music Trolls in Lonesome Flats before Barb does." Poppy says to us.

"Will you come with us?" I ask the flute and Lillian.

"Oh, no. Someone has to rebuild. And Pennywhistle is that woodwind for the job." The flute, known as pennywhistle says." But can you take Lady Lillian with you?" Riley nods and said." Of course if she is okay with that," Lillian looks at Pennywhistle and said." Are you sure Penny? I can stay and help you,"
Pennywhistle shook her head and said." Nope I got it," Lillian sighs and nods." All right if you say so."

Then Poppy walks over and puts a construction builder's hat on Pennywhistle.

"Good luck, little Pennywhistle." Poppy said to Pennywhistle.

"Goodbye, Poppy." Pennywhistle says.
Lillian tap on Riley shoulder making her look at her
"I know a girl who lives there maybe she can help us," Riley nods and looks at her friend and yelled out to them "You guys on headed we will meet you there!" Riley said as she gently grab Lillian hand as they flew away and headed to the Country Trolls.

Riley's and the World Tour [Branch x Oc]CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now