Vibe City

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After Biggie left  Branch, Riley, Lillian, Poppy and Hickory kept on the journey to find the funk trolls.
Riley was with Poppy who was driving the raf.
Riley couldn't figure out what's wrong with Branch like he wants to tell her something but couldn't.

"Hey, PopStar." Riley said

"Yeah, Riley what's up?" Poppy said not looking at her because she has to keep her eyes on the road/river.
"I just noticed that Branch wants to tell me something like a confession but I see that he is having trouble with it do you know what he wants to talk about?" Riley said.
Poppy froze for a minute and said." It's not mine to tell just give him some time and will tell you."
Riley sighs and nods," All right Poppy I trust you."

With the others

Branch was sitting at the front of the raft, deep in thought. As He snuck a glance at Riley, who was still talking to Poppy. He turned back to the front.
Lillian saw that was about to say something when Hickory beat her to it.

"Something tells me your heart ain't in this mission, Branch," Hickory said.

"What do you mean? I'm here, aren't I?" Branch asked.

"Yeah. You're on a mission alright, but your heart is with Miss Riley,"Hickory pointed out.

"Hey! Hold your horses!" Branch objected, then wondered, "I'm sorry. Is that offensive?"
Lillian snickers as Hickory chuckles and says."Not as offensive as you thinking I can't see what's right in front of my eyes. Did you tell her what it was yet?"

"I tried, but," Branch said then mimicked an explosion.

"Well, if you did, who knows if she'd even hear ya," Hickory pointed out.

"What do you mean by that?" Branch asked.
"Well, let's just say only one of ya's doing the listening in this relationship and it's not her," Hickory said, making Branch realize it,

"I think he is trying to say that it's you,"Lillian said to Branch.

"Yeah. I got that," Branch remarked.

"Uh guys..." Poppy called out to get their attention, as they saw a UFO.

"What the fuck?!" Riley exclaimed.

Then the bubbles went toward them.

"I got it!" Hickory exclaimed, but smacked Branch instead.

In response, when Branch went to get rid of one, he smacked Hickory. But then bubbles eventually got them.

As they float into the UFO, and the UFO flies off. They were are going up a tube.


Words counted:416

Riley's and the World Tour [Branch x Oc]CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now