they try muggle foods with you

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-he smells the food and immediately pulls a face
- "What is this crap?" He grimaces
-he picks at it and eventually takes a bite
-he spits it out and pulls out his wand
-he casts a spell and destroys the muggle food, shooting you a glare
- "Why would you torture me like this? I only threatened to kill you twice!"
-he threatens you again and walks away


-he refuses to try anything but then sees chocolate
-he grabs it and takes a massive bite of the chocolate bar
-swallows it with a grin
- "I will never doubt muggle food again'
-he tries a bounty and coughs, spitting it out on the floor
-he strops through the rest of the foods


-curses in Italian when you force him to try the muggle foods
-he picks up pizza-flavoured crisps and frowns
- "How do they fit pizza into these tiny ass things?"
-he inspects it then eats it
-his eyes immediately light up and he finishes the whole packet in 5 minutes
-he then moves on to another packet


-he picks it up by the corner and gags at the look of it
- "No. You can't force me to try...m...m...*muggle* foods"
- he gags again. He eventually tries something but immediately throws it away and walks out of the room
- "Poison! Pure poison! I'm a wizard, not a...muggle!"


-he sits down next to you but when he sees the food, he stands back up again.
- "Not happening."
- he grabs his wand and destroys all the food
- "I will not have anything to do with them"
-he walks out of the room without another word


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