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Content Warning: Sexual Content
This story contains fictional acts of sexual relations. The persons, settings, and actions described are not meant to be educational or used as a guide for any reader's own sexual relations. This is a work of fiction meant to be enjoyed as a work of fiction.

*Acts of Fanfiction are still fiction and do not showcase any real behaviors or relations of the persons described*

Content of this nature should be limited to ages 18+ or, at the very least, limited to readers within the realm of the age of consent. Not every country has the same laws and regulations regarding the age of consent or limiting reading audiences to adults, so please take a moment to read the details of this warning before continuing with the story.

Regardless of what is depicted in fictional works, sexual relations of any kind need to be based on five specific things; an easy way to remember this is to use the acronym F.R.I.E.S.
Consent for all sexual relations needs to be:
F: Freely Given
R: Reversible
I: Informed
E: Enthusiastic
S: Specific - meaning you need to hear the words yes and have specific information about what is being agreed to. Examples of this would be giving a yes to foreplay, oral, use of toys or objects, penetration, etc. Someone can say yes to one and no to another, which is why it is essential to check in with your partner(s) and ensure you are getting ongoing consent from one activity to the next.

Sex is not the enemy. The enemy is persons who use sex as a weapon of violence against others. Regardless of fantasies, sex should always be consensual and done with respect and care for all persons engaging in these acts. Fiction is fiction. In the real world, you engage in intimate and vulnerable acts with another human being. Do right by that person and ensure you follow the rules of consent. If you are unsure of anything take the time to educate yourself before engaging in sexual relations, there are resources to help with this.

Thank you.


Happy Valentine's Day to this perfect human. It's been an amazing 3 months with you. Can't wait to celebrate with you tonight.

What the fuck? Talk about a blindside.

The blonde in the photo was not me. Three months with her? He was fucking me three nights ago.

She looked a lot like me. Same long honey blonde hair. Same whiskey brown eyes. Similar height and build. Her breasts are larger, but obviously fake. She looks slightly familiar, so I click on her profile.

A fucking monster girl? No wonder she looked familiar. I'm sure I've seen her around the track in her skimpy skintight black outfit showing off her huge tits. A monster girl. You have got to be kidding me right now. He dumped me for a brainless airhead model? I'm a fucking CEO. I'm the heiress to one of the most successful race teams in NASCAR. My family is worth billions. Everyone says I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth. It's actually more of a diamond encrusted platinum spoon to be honest.

Okay, if you want to get technical, he didn't really dump me. We were fuck buddies. I wanted more but he said he didn't do commitment. Yeah right. I was ready to go to my grandfather and confess that I was sleeping with one of his drivers. Yes, I know. I broke his biggest rule, but I was willing to take the heat. I wanted to be more than his fuck buddy. I wanted to be the perfect human in his life that he publicly wished happy Valentine's Day to on his instagram.

I guess he's forgotten who signs his paychecks.

Three days ago he was here. In my bed.

I was in a state of utter ecstasy as I felt his rock hard cock slide effortlessly in and out of my drenched pussy. "Don't you fucking stop. Fuck, you feel so good." I cried out in the throes of passion.

"Are you ready to come on my cock like the good little slut you are Princess?" He smirked, his blue grey eyes looking deep into my brown ones.

"Yes." I pleaded. I should feel degraded being called a slut, but I didn't. Not with him. Him calling me a slut actually turned me on. I was his slut.

He pounded into me harder, the tip of his cock hitting that magic spot deep inside of me that no other man had ever seemed to be able to find.

"Yes...right there...don't fucking stop. Fuckkkk." I cried out yet again as the quivering and waves of warmth crashed over me. Spasm after spasm ripped through my body. A huge feeling of tension was released...a literal explosion that left me as limp as a rag doll. Sweat covered our bodies as he found his release as well, filling the latex barrier between us.

He rolled off of me and swiftly removed the condom covering his now softening cock and disposed of it in the wastebasket next to the bed.

"Fuck Mia. That was intense." He muttered under ragged breath.

"It always is between us." I said, running my hand lightly over his sweat-dampened chest.

"I'm the best dick you ever had." He flashed a cocky grin at me. He knew it was the truth.

"Have you ever thought of making this thing between us something permanent? Not just hooking up, but something...I don't know...something more?" I asked tentatively.

To my horror and absolute embarrassment, he laughed. "You know I don't do commitment Mia. And you don't either. Besides, your grandfather would fire me or kill me. Maybe both. I like this arrangement between us. I think it suits us. I thought you did too." He asked with an eyebrow raised.

I needed to cover my tracks to save face, so I plastered a smile on my face. "I do think so. I just wanted to make sure we were still on the same page." I gritted my teeth. I wasn't worried about my grandfather. I had him wrapped around my finger. Even though he specifically forbade me to mess around with one of his drivers, I knew if I went to him and told him, he would give in. He always did.

He placed a kiss on my lips. "Good. I'm glad we're still on the same page. We'd better get some sleep. I have to be in the simulator in the morning and I know you have a full day of meetings."

He then rolled over and it wasn't long before I heard his soft snores. Maybe he was right. Maybe us actually having a romantic relationship outside of the bedroom was a terrible idea. I was technically his boss. It could end up disastrous. Hell, sleeping with him was already a terrible idea, but I damn sure didn't want to give that up. I couldn't help but be disappointed though.

Probably for the best. Maybe if I keep telling myself that, I would actually believe it.

The more I scrolled through his instagram, the angrier I got. How was it that I never noticed that his past four girlfriends, as well as the new flavor of the month all looked strikingly similar to me. He obviously had a type. He clearly liked blondes. Slim, leggy blondes.

As I fingered the strands of my own blonde hair, I knew something needed to change. I didn't want to look like those other girls. I also caught a glimpse of my nails. The color looked too much like the color of his car. I had done that on purpose, only he didn't know that.

My grandfather was going to get an earful today. The bastard had humiliated me and he was going to pay, but first of all, something has to be done about this hair and these nails.

Then I was going to find someone to fuck him out of my system.

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