Chapter 13

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Not even the overcast, dreary and downright cold morning could keep the smile off of my face and the spring from my step today. I even got past the morning team huddle and celebratory toast without choking on my words of praise that I heaped upon the 24 team.

Now that that was over with, I was going to have some fun.

After the huddle and toast, I asked Alex to meet me in my office because we had some things to discuss. After I meet with Alex, then I will meet with William, then finally all four drivers.

Legal had rushed me the newly revised contracts first thing this morning per my request, and it was sitting on my desk when he arrived in my office. I caught his glance as he looked at it. He knew exactly what it was and I actually saw him squirm a little. That gave me immense pleasure.

"Close the door and have a seat Alex. There are a few things that I need to go over with you." I mustered up my sweetest tone.

I watched his Adam's apple bob as he swallowed nervously before folding his tall frame into the office chair.

"I'm not going to beat around the bush Alex. That was a very stupid and irresponsible stunt you pulled by deciding to get into a sprint car days before the biggest race of the season. You were lucky you came out of it with only a few bumps and bruises....this time. Last weren't so lucky, but all of that convinced me that there will not be a next time. I have made provisions to protect my investments in this team."

"What are you getting at Mia?" He glared at me before casting his eyes towards the contract that I was tapping my now blood red nails on. The color was fitting because I was after blood now.

"Effective immediately, you are not to race anything other than your cup car and the occasional Xfinity car for this team. I am not going to risk the possibility of you getting injured and having to kiss sponsors asses because of it. Your contract has been revised with these new changes, so I suggest you read them very carefully before you sign." My tone was not so sweet anymore. It was rather stern, meaning I meant business.

Alex snatched the contract from my desk and scanned over it. "You can't do this." He slapped the contract back onto the desk angrily.

"I just did." I smiled sweetly. "My grandfather gave me the green light before his surgery and everything has been approved by the legal department. As team owner, I am well within my rights as the fine print on your original contract stated that terms and conditions were subject to change at anytime at our discretion."

"Are the others being restricted too, or are you just singling me out?" He glared at me.

"The contracts of the other drivers on this team are not any of your concern. This is not personal Alex. This is a business decision."

"Bullshit. This is your way of getting back at me."

"I'm sorry you feel that way Alex." I faked a hurt tone. "This isn't personal. I have a responsibility to this team and to our sponsors. I did not come to this decision lightly. It has taken me several days of careful consideration, weighing the pros and cons and trying to do what I think is best for this team. We as an organization and our sponsors have invested a lot of time and money into you as our driver and I cannot risk that investment not paying out."

"I guess I don't have a choice then." He sighed sullenly.

"You always have a choice Alex. You are free to obtain your own legal counsel and we can go into arbitration. It would be very timely and very costly on both our ends. You can also choose to end this partnership. It's completely up to you." I fought to hold back a smile.

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