Chapter 2

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“Eh, Fontaine's alright.. I personally prefer Natlan, but that's just my personal opinion.” You muttered to yourself, not having anyone to talk to as you walked around the Court of Fontaine.

There weren't many people left since it was around 7pm, but you did notice a flyer laying on the ground, a bit crumbled up, like your life.

'The hell is this...?' You thought to yourself as you bent down to pick up the flyer and straightened it out with your hands.

'The Lumitoile
An Opera featuring Fontaine's beloved star; Furina!

7:30pm – 9:00pm, Monday 3/4

Be sure to come to the Opera Epiclese!'

'... What a basic ass invitation.' You thought to yourself. 'But.. Furina will be there... She's the Hydro Archon, right? It's been a while since I've last met her, been around.. Three or four centuries? Eh, might as well give it a shot.' You wondered in your mind, and with that, you crumpled up the flyer and stuck it into your pocket, before walking off and heading to the Opera Epliclese, even though you had no idea where it was.

Luckily, as you were walking, you noticed Monsieur Neuvillette sitting in a bench reading what seemed like.. A romance book? Wow, how out of character.

You walked up to him, standing in front of him as he sat on the bench, one leg crossed over the other with him holding the book elegantly in his left hand, looking like he was in his own world.

“Monsieur Neuvillette.” You said, wanting to catch his attention.

He turned his head up to look at you. “Hm? Who might you be?” He questioned

'Wow.. When did he get so curious? Huh, he changed over the centuries..' You thought to yourself.
Obviously, you had known him for quite some time now since you were the Pyro Archon and he was the Hydro Dragon, both of you commonly meeting during meetings in Liyue with the other Archons, Neuvillette was just usually there to acompany the Hydro Archon.

“That's.. Not important.” You started, crossing your arms. “Do you know where the Opera Epiclese is? It's my first time here.” You simply asked, waiting for a response.

“Ah, yes, I fortunately do. Would you like me to acompany you on the way?” He questioned, using his fancy-schmancy words like usual.

“... No need. I just need directions.” Neuvillette nodded and told you which way to go. The two of you said your farewells and you went on your way.


Sure enough, you had gotten to the Opera Epiclese after 1 Water Bus ride, and a few hundreds of meters of walking. Your legs were tired, but it was worth it.

You saw a few Gardes standing at the front door. Huh, why we're they there?

“We're gonna need to need to examine you for any weapons, miss.” The Garde on your left said.

“Why's that?” You questioned, raising an eyebrow as you crossed your arms and impatiently tapped your foot on the ground.

“We've been checking every single individual coming in and out of this building since last month due to an incident with the Hydro Archon.” The Garde on your right explained.

'Huh... The Hydro Archon? They mean that fine babe who's supposed to play the Lumitoile in.. The Lumitoile? Eh, interesting.. Wait, did I just call her a-' You thought, slowly losing yourself in your thoughts before you snapped back to reality.

“Ahaha- Ok, fine.” You reluctantly gave in and let them inspect you, posing using the infamous T-Pose for them to inspect you properly.

After they inspected you, you entered the Opera Epiclese and watched the performance. After the Opera, you heard a familiar voice behind you as you were about to leave the Opera Epiclese.

Murata? ”

Water's Lover • Furina x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now