random extra

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sorry for not posting any chapters in a while, writers block legit SUCKS and yuh 💔💔💔
here's an extra bbgs 🥳🥳

btw this is when Furina and Y/N become friends and get to know each other better 🥰

oh yeah also I forgot to mention that the entire story is set after the prophecy lmao


You and Furina sat at a small café in the Court of Fontaine, just chatting about some small stuff like inflation, Natlan, Fontaine, and all that stuff.

"Ah, I forgot to ask, how has Natlan been fairing these days?" Furina said with a small smile on her lips as she elegantly sipped her tea. Even after the prophecy has been fulfilled, Furina still managed to look elegant and beautiful, even after losing.. or, well, actually starting to show her insecurities.

"Natlan? Eh, the usual. Wars, dragons, more wars, and a bunch of shit everywhere." You said as you both laughed and continued chatting


"Furina is on a date?? With another woman??!! Wow, I didn't know that she could pull any bi-"

"Shh, Paimon. And keep it family friendly. You're 13."

"Hmph! I'm old enough to swear!"

"Yeah, yeah. Hush."

"You two certainly have a very.. interesting and amusing friendship."

The Traveler, Paimon and Neuvillette hid behind some bushes as they (not so) secretly watched you and Furina.

You had a feel that someone or something was watching the both of you anyway, so they weren't really secretive. Plus, you could hear Neuvillette's voice.

Furina didn't seem to have picked up on their loud conversations, though, so you decided to tell her, secretly. And yes, actually secretly, unlike the 3 "little bitch ass fucks" – as Karalai would call people – behind the bush.

"Uhm, so, Furina, would it be ok if I got your number..?" You asked, taking out a small sheet of paper from your pocket along with a pen.

"Ah!- I wouldn't mind that.." Furina replied nervous with a small, nervous chuckle. You really hadn't expected her to become so nervous, but you just wrote "your number" on the paper anyways and handed it to her.

"Monsieur Neuvillette and two other people are behind the bush behind me. Wanna go confront them?" was what you had written on the small piece of paper, but you also had your number below the message, which Furina probably didn't notice.

She nodded and the both of you stood up to just take a "friendly walk" behind the bush. You two dramatically gasped.

"Oh my Archons, the Traveler, Paimon and Neuvillette, what are you doing here?" Furina asked dramatically, playing the part perfectly. She was an actress after all.

You just simply glared down at them, unamused with one hand on your hip. The 3 just stared up at you nervously, except Neuvillette. He was just.. Well, there, idfk. <3

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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