Chapter 3

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Murata? ”

You could recognize that voice anywhere, anytime. You turned around to see Furina standing a few feet behind you. “First of all, hi. Second of all, how did you recognize me??” You questioned, curious about how she was able to recognize you since you were in your mortal form, wearing some casual clothes that you wouldn't dare wear as an Archon.

“Well, I can tell by that fiery look in your eyes, of course!” Furina said with that bubbly voice of hers as she approached you. For some reason, you had always admired her for her appearance and confident personality. You had always been a very insecure woman, while she was the total opposite. (Or so you thought.)

“.. You saw me from the back, though.” You pointed out with a bored expression on your face. Furina froze as her face heated up a bit in embarrassment.

“W-well, I just know you well so I know if it's you or not!” She said, crossing her arms and puffing her cheeks out with a pout on her lips.

'She's adorable- Wait, what am I thinking??' You thought to yourself. 'She's just a friend.. Whatever.'

“Mhm.. Ok.” You replied, keeping your gaze on her as awkward silence took over.

“Uhm.. Your performance was cool.” You complimented, raising a hand to the back of your neck. It was kind of awkward since you two were old friends until you suddenly vanished like Barbatos and Morax.

“Thank you.” The Hydro Archon thanked her, her cheeks cooling down as she put her hands on her waist pridefully with a close smile on her lips.

That same, awkward silence fell over you both as you two remained silent, skimping looking at each other, or the ground, before Furina spoke up after a solid minute or two.

“So!.. Uh, what do you go by now as a mortal..?” Furina questioned as you turned you eyes back to her.

“I go by Y/N now.” You replied

“Oh that's pretty! Not prettier than "Furina", of course.” Furina said pridefully, her hands still resting on her waist to show her pride.

“Mhm, sure.. Keep dreaming.” You replied teasingly, trying to rile her up like usual.

“Hmph!” Furina pouted, crossing her arms and turning her head away. Soon after that, you left.


You've returned home after around 3 hours of walking, running and fighting dumb monsters, laying on your king-sized bed, reading a letter Venti sent you yesterday. You haven't gotten the time to read it since you were in Fontaine.

"Dear drinking mate, Y/N,
Did you start searching yet?? I mean, you're the Pyro Archon after all, and pyro signifies love~
Even tho you're a few thousand year old god, surely you'll be able to find the right one for you! Just stay positive~!

PS. If you get a job as a waitress in a tavern like me, then you might just find the right man for you in no time! 😁

From Venti."

'... This damn femboy is insane.' You thought, weirded out that he even suggested you become a waitress at a tavern. Oh well, that's Venti for ya. What else could you expect?

You sighed, getting up from your bed to go to your desk and write a simple letter back to Venti. Totally not swearing involved. Yeah.

Water's Lover • Furina x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now