"𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑹𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒐"

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Akari slept in late because of last night.

She woke up to the smell of breakfast. She got up lazily and headed to the kitchen. There, she saw the gorgeous cannibal cooking. The fallen angel tilts her head and looks at Rosie. "Lady Rosie...what are you cooking?" She asks, honestly hoping it wasn't human flesh. "I'm making you some eggs, darling. Worry not, it is not human." The cannibal assured her.

Akari takes a bite of egg from the pan and grabs something to drink. "Is there any other Overlords I should worry about?" She asks, yawning.

"Well, there is Carmilla Carmine, Missi Zilla, Zestial, The Vees', and Alastor." The cannibal hums.

"I'll go out. I have been cooped up here long enough." Akari chuckles. Rosie nods in response. "Please, be careful, darling."

Akari adventures out of Cannibal Town, not knowing where she would go. She saw demons and sinners killing each other. She couldn't help but laugh at it, she liked the torture. She loves the downfall of others. She was walking down the street on her phone when she saw an old radio in a store behind the glass, it was playing jazz and classy music.

The music stopped and there it was, a radio voice. She didn't know who it was. Perhaps Rosie would? She'd have to ask her when she gets back. She listened to the voice. It belonged to a male, she didn't know who. She looked to the other store that had a big screen on it and there appeared a tv head demon.

She got startled by it, but didn't know him either. She went inside the store to buy a radio. She took it behind some buildings and tuned in on the broadcast. It finally ended and she held the radio with her.

She wasn't paying attention and bumped into someone. She looked up to see a tall figure. A spider-like demon.

"I am sorry. I am Zestial." He spoke. "Not be afeared. I promise no harm." His words were promising.

"I am Akari." He helped her up and they shook hands. "I gotta go." She smiles and waves him goodbye.

She kept adventuring around hell like a lost puppy. She really didn't know what to do.

Alastor growled as he watched Akari from the shadows. Why wasn't he able to control her? It made him furious.

She walked around some more and listened to the radio. After awhile she got bored and headed back to Cannibal Town.

She walked inside to where Rosie was and grabbed a piece of Venison that was on the counter top. "Get as many as you want, darling." The sound of the Cannibal made the fallen angel jump. "Sorry. Didn't mean to startle you." Rosie smiled.

Akari laughed nervously. "You didn't startle me, you just...came out of nowhere!" She put her hands up in defense. They both laughed in unison. "Venison good though." Akari remarked. "Thank you. This was Alastor's favorite."

The sound of that name again shook Akari. Him. He was the one broadcasting. The one on 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒐. He shook her head and smiled. "It is very delicious." She ignored the name.

"Dinner will be done in a few." Rosie hummed. Akari headed up to her room until it was ready. She tuned in on all the channels on the radio. She was amused with it. She enjoyed living with this cannibal. She was so sweet. She didn't know how much time went past.

"Dinners ready!" Rosie's voice rang. Akari jumped, again startled by the sudden noise. She headed downstairs, leaving the radio alone.

She saw delicious Venison and other delectable food the cannibal prepared. She ate quickly so she could go back go her room. Rosie cleaned up the plates as Akari helped her clean up.

The fallen angel ran up to her room and again messed with the radio. She was very amused. Alastor, again, growled at the fact he couldn't get a hold on her.

Rosie walked up to Akari's room. "Lights out, darling." She smiled, getting Akari settled into bed. She turned the lights off and wished each other good nights.

She left the radio on Jazz music as she fell into a deep slumber.

"𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑻𝒓𝒖𝒕𝒉 𝑩𝒆𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝑳𝒊𝒆𝒔"Where stories live. Discover now