_part 13 new beginnings

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[19:24,20/01/24]nex:☆☆THE ONE FOR HIM☆☆ 18SLV





***they arrived at the Nxumalo house and rushed to their father who is a traditional helper ,he can see in the spiritual world***

Baba: nhlakanipho kwenze jani(what happened)

Nhlaka: she says her tummy is hurting and Kwanele says it's not a medical problem

Baba: alright ill fix this
***they carried buhle to his hut outside the house and he he sat on his mat then he took some herbs from his bag and put them in a cup then asked nhlaka to spit inside and he did then he stir them all together and started chanting***
***then he collapsed then they made him lie down then he woke up but still lying on the flaw speaking in another voice***

Nhlaka: baba

Baba: help her please

Nhlaka: what do you mean who am I talking to

Baba: buhles aunty marina I don't have enough time so go and find herbs and make for her to drink and for this sto go away permanently she has to accept her gift and use it tell her please

Nhlaka: is she gonna be okay

Baba: yes she will be if she accepts her gift
***then baba came back to normal***

Nhlaka: she told us to find the herb and make her drink that and she needs to accept her gift fully and use it

Kwanele: I will go find the herb then I will come with it and you stay with buhle okay

Baba: take her to house so she lies down
***nhlaka carried her in bridal style to the house and sat down watching her while waiting for Kwanele to come back***

Nhlka: buhle I love you so so much and I want you fight through this not alone but with me by urside and I'm never gonna leave you please fight through this mama

Buhle:hey what happened, why are you crying
***he wiped his tears***

Nhlaka: me cry never haibo,how are you feeling

Buhle: the cramps are much better now but I have headache yoh

Nhlaka: dont worry neh Kwanele went to get the medicine neh
***she nodded then nhlaka pulled her to lie on his chest then he kissed her forehead then she fell asleep***

Kwanele: I'm back ,did you tell her

Nhlaka: not yet I don't wanna add stress

Kwanele: she should know

Nhlaka: I'll tell her soon
***they then went to their dad then he took the herbs and stared them in the bowl and gave nhlaka to give buhle***

Nhlaka: wake up standwa sam

Buhle: I don't want yoh I'm tired nhlaka please bbe

Nhlaka: wake up bbe and drink this come on
***she woke up and frowned at nhlaka***

Nhlaka: dont be mad bbe

Buhle: I don't want nhlaka

Nhlaka: come on bbe it's for ur own good. neh
***then she took the cup and drank all of it***

Nhlaka: ur aunty marina contacted us

Buhle: what ...how,what did she say

Nhlaka: she said you should except ur gift and use it and if you don't you will still experience this conditions

Buhle: but i don't want ,why am I being forced to live the way they wanted

Nhlaka: buhle mamela(listen) you have a very special gift neh and a lot of people would love to have it so please just do as ur told for ur own good buhle

Buhle: I'll see yoh

Nhlaka: good

Buhle: so I was thinking that after I have given birth I should go and work as a radiologist at the hospital

Nhlaka: I don't want you to work ,I want you to stay home and just relax and be the queen u are

Buhle: I want to do this for my own sake bbe

Nhlaka: we will see

Buhle: yoh nhlaka

Nhlaka: tomorrow we are going to go and pay lobola neh and don't worry I will be there every step neh
***buhle signed***

Nhlaka: it's gonna be okay neh
***she nodded then he kissed her forehead then they went to bed***
***nhlaka woke early in the morning showered,ate and took out suitcase and packed his and buhles's clothes then he woke up buhle and after buhle was done taking a shower eating ,nhlaka took all their bags inside the car then he drove off***

(At the mhlanga house)

Auntiza: mantombazane wozani la(girls come here)

Mandisa: yebo aunty

Auntiza: so as you know by now that buhle is soon gonna get married to that nxumalo girl and they are very rich people and they will be paying good money so you better behave urselves because if you don't there will be trouble and I was thinking if one of you got close to the other brothers the youngest one

Napo: uNtando?

Auntiza: yes that one ,he is single so try ur shot girls
***they all just nodded ****

Mandisa: nhlakanipho doesn't deserve buhle,he deserves someone like me

Auntiza: thula mandisa mahn(shut up )why do love problems

Mandisa: but aunty me I will fight and get what I want

Auntiza: they are here tell the uncles that they have arrived
***nhlaka parked outside the house he helped buhle stand up then carried the beds to the door***

***then he knocked and auntiza opened the door***

Auntiza: haw senifikile(you are here)


Auntiza: ngenani (come in)
***they went in and carried their bags in and sat on the couches***

Nhlaka: sawubona aunty ,ninjani nani no ba malume(hello aunty how are you and all the uncles

Auntiza: you dont have to speak zulu you know,I know you can't speak it proper proper

Nhlaka: yebo aunty

Auntiza: buhle you go and get dress3d in the room
***buhle stood up and gave nhlaka a kiss on the cheek then she left

Auntiza: do you love her

Nhlaka: vele i love her unlike you doing all sorts of bad staff to get money

Auntiza: what ,don't come disrespect me in my house

Nhlaka: I only came to do things the right way no have you being fake undala(ur old) ,don't even think of messing this up cause if you do that I'll ripe ur heart out of that body of yours full of fat only

Auntiza: oh please don't act like your perfect

Nhlaka: I'm not perfect but I treat buhle good and give her the love that you can't give her

Uncle1: we will now start with the ceremony but first you will have to pick your chosen

Uncle 2: bring the girls in

***then 6 girls came in buhle was number 4 ,the girls were all wearing long skirts ,with doeks on their head and a flisk to cover their upper body and they sat on the mat down on the flow facing down***

Uncle1 : out of all this 6 girls which one is buhle
***then nhlaka pointed number 4 ***

Nhlaka: that is my one

Uncle2: woza la ntombi yam(come here )
***buhle stood up and went to the uncle and then she revealed her face and then looked her in her eyes and started blushing,are buhle went to with the other girls to the room and nhlaka paid all the money and brought the cows and the goats***

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