part_21 newborn

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...INSERT 25


            ***September 9***

Buhle: yoh I'm so tired
***she layed on the bed***

Nhlaka: now sleep bbe

Buhle: no I don't want

Nhlaka: but your tired

Buhle: I am but I'm waiting for the baby to kick

Nhlaka: are you okay standwa sam

Buhle: yes I'm ouky bbe

Nhlaka: let me go take our food at the door I ordered some food for us

Buhle: hurry
***nhlaka went downstairs and took food from the delivery guy even suddenly she heard buhle scream then he rushed upstairs***

Nhlaka: what wrong bbe

Buhle: water broke ,it hurts so much please

Nhlaka: stay calm baby lemme call Kwanele

Buhle: ahhhh Nhlaka hurry please
***he carried her to the the car and took extra clothes for her and a blanket and drove to the hospital***

Buhle: no no no ,this can't happen here

Nhlaka: stay calm bbe it's gonna be okay
***he increased the speed then he finally got to the hospital and carried her to Kwanele who was standing in the passage on a phone call***

Kwanele: what happened

Nhlaka: her water broke please hurry

Kwanele: alright stay calm buhle I'm gonna need you to focus... your about to give birth

Buhle: hurry already or I'm gonna cut this belly open
***Kwanele hurried her inside a room 03 and left nhlaka stressing***

Kwezi: nhlaka stay here her emotions are all over the place right now

Nhlaka: is she gonna be okay

Kwezi: dont worry we got her

Buhle: I blame you Nhlaka for all this pain I'm taking in its all your fault, ahhhh it hurts so much

Kwezi: focus buhle breathe in then give me your best  push
***buhle pushed***

Kwanele: almost  come on buhle
***she screamed then pushed harder ,then there's was a baby crying in kwezi's arms***

Kwezi: there we go ,he's okay
***he cut the umbilical cord***

Buhle: can I hold him
***kwezi gave the baby to her***

Buhle: he's so cute and tiny his name is Zwelakhe

Kwezi: he takes the cuteness from his mom and dad
***nhlaka walked in**

Nhlaka: aww his so cute ,zwelakhe you said
***he kissed buhle on the forehead

***then she gave him to kwanele then Kwanele went with the baby along with nhlaka***

Nhlaka: is she okay can I stay with her please

Kwanele: yes she's okay we are gonna keep them here for 3 days

Nhlaka: how is the baby

Kwanele: the baby is very strong ,the other doctors were shocked at how the baby was so beautiful and strong it hasn't been 9 months yet

Nhlaka: thank you so much

Kwanele: dont thank me you know I'd do anything for you now hurry and be your wife she has alot to tell you, you will see the baby again  later

***nhlaka quickly rushed into room 03***

Nhlaka: hey bby

Buhle: hey(in a soft cute voice)

Nhlaka: you okay

Buhle: yes bbe ngisharp mina(I'm okay) did you see how cute the baby is I can't believe I just have birth

Nhlaka: yes he is mama the doctors are busy with him,but we will see him  after they are done, for now I want my beautiful baby girl to close her eyes and get some rest
***buhle yawned***

Buhle: I'm not sleepy

Nhlaka: your body says a different story so please sleep

Buhle: alright yoh nawe(yoh) hle

***nhlaka kissed her on the forehead then went out where he met his brothers wives carrying gifts ,flowers and chocolates***

Liyana: is she awake

Nhkaka: she just went to sleep now

Sindi: how is she

Sibahle: we will  stay here in the hospital we will see her tomorrow

Nhlaka: thank you guys so much for the gifts she is gonna love them

Liyana: no problem ,girls let's go we will see her tomorrow

Sindi: usalekahle nhlaka

Nhlaka: bye
***the girls all went***

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