_part 15

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***my life has been so good yall like ever since I got kidnapped and found ntando has been so over protective over me and something happened guyzini like we kissed 5his one time neh and after that everything was just awkward between but we still are cool ,is it weird we sleep together in one bed but nothing happens we just cuddle and that's it and buhle also asked to be brides maid ,like me I'm so happy I really can't wait ,rn I'm sitting in the living room drinking so lemon tea and watching tv as for ntando, he's working in his study like  on a Sunday is crazy***
***then ntando came to the living room and sat next to me***

Liyana: yini (what)

Ntando: I can't wait any long now I want you liyana to be mine only and I love you and I feel something for you a big thing and I know you feel the same way Liyana

Liyana: I didn't know you felt the same way about me about ,I thought you didn't see me that way or I was just not ur type

Ntando: I just didn't want to show too much or put pressure on you

Liyana: your right I do feel the same way too ntando

Ntando: so will you be mine

Liyana: of course I'll be yours
Ntando: I love you so much liyana

Liyana: I love you more ntando
***guys it just keeps getting better ,I don't if I'm making a good decision all I know is I love him and I wanna be with him***





***buhle and nhlaka's wedding is on a Friday and today is a Thursday,Buhle has been busy all day arranging things needed for the wedding and her dress is out of this world ,her own limited edition but little do they know that they are up for a big surprise***

Buhle: bbe I'm going to Liyanas place today and I'm having a sleepover there ,we are having a girls night

Nhlaka: that's good sthandwa sam,I'm also gonna be having a boys night with my brother here

Buhle: I really can't believe we are getting married tomorrow

Nhlaka: yea this day is finally here bbe  it's our special day

Buhle: I love you so much

Nhlaka: I love you more sthandwa sam

Buhle: bye neh see you tomorrow

Nhlaka: bye I'll miss you ,enjoy ur night neh
***then kissed then they pulled out ,buhle then took her bag and went to the car and vusi drove to Liyanas place***

***At Liyana***

***Buhle,Sibahle and Sindi got there and knocked at the door then Liyana opened***

Liyana: hey girl I'm glad your here come on in ,this is ur home too
***buhle went in and vusi drove back***
Sindi: girls let's enjoy this night to our fullest shem, kwezi must be way drunk now

Liyana: we can even prank call them don't you think guys

Buhle: good idea I cant wait  for us to start our night is ntando still here

Liyana: nope he just left now now

Sibahle: I bought us some wine,it's ashem buhle can't drink
***they all laughed***

Buhle: it will soon be my turn to drink watch and learn,you guys will have children too

Liyana: haibo me children yoh

Sibahle: I already have two so for now I'm good

Sindi: yoh me and children never
***they all laughed***

Liyana: yoh so buhle how are you feeling

Buhle: ngizizwa ngithukile(I feel scared) but I'm also happy I never thought I would be getting married someday

Sindi: dont worry girl we got you

Liyana: you're gonna look so beautiful hle,and it's okay to be scared neh I will be right by your side neh
***buhle nodded***

Buhle: enough about me how are things between you and ntando

Liyana: well he finally asked me to be his gf and he told him how he feels

Sibahle : I'm happy for you standwa sam

Buhle: aww this is sweet you guys are meant to be shem

Liyana: I'm really really happy about all of this anyways let's eat and enjoy your last night of freedom
***they  looked at each other and burst out laughing***
***they watched a movie and talked all night they even prank called the brothers and told them that they won coffins***

(At the brothers)

Ntando: yoh can we drink already yoh nhlaka this is your last chance to enjoy ur freedom so stop answering those prank calls and drink

Nhlaka: enhlek you're right we know who these prank calls are from

Kwanele: the girls obviously, they must be having fun

Kwezi: can't lie I really miss sindi right now but today is about nhlaka's last taste of freedom welcome bhuti wam

Nhlaka: why do you guys keep saying my last day of freedom as if I'm going to prison or something
***they all laughed at nhlaka***

Kwanele: marriage is no joke nhlaka don't say I didn't warn you but enjoy neh

Ntando: I told you mos

Nhlaka: you guys are just exaggerating yih lemme enjoy hle stop stressing me out
***they all took their glasses of whiskey and drank ,they watched a movie and played some snooker they also played soccer outside like they used when they were young ,they all fell asleep in the living room playing pS5



***finally the day we've been all waiting for, the wedding of our lovers ,but little do you know that... lemme just shhh and not spoil for you guys...enjoy***

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