_part 17

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***as buhle was walking towards the car and she sudden felt pain from her back all the way to her stomach and she looked down to her stomach only to find blood all over her wedding dress,she had been shit so she fell down and cried out loud calling nhlaka but the music was too loud for people to hear her cries and she was all alone in the parking lot not knowing who shot her so she decided take off her vail and folded it then used it to cover her wound then she tried to stand up balancing on the car and she walked slowly towards the the cottage house where nhlaka was with his father and when nhlaka saw her he rushed to her and caught her before she fell to the ground and closed her eyes ,she was losing way too much blood***

Nhlaka: buhle open your eyes don't do this to me  you can't leave me please buhle
***Baba took out his phone and called kwanele and kwezi who were dancing with their wives and they came rushing along with ntando***

Kwanele: what happened

Nhlaka: she was shot I saw the bullet mark goes from the back to the front please wake her up

Kwezi: bafo calm down its gonna be okay

Nhlaka: how mmmm how tf is it gonna be okay she was shot do you understand that

Baba: calm down and let your brothers do what is needed to be done
***nhlaka sat down holding buhles's hand with his tears running done his cheeks***
***luckily Kwanele always carry his work injects and drips just in case ,so he quickly connected the drips to buhle who was now breathing heavily with her eyes closed the he took an injection and inject her then he the knife and cut buhke open and removed the bullet then he cleaned the wound then he stated hercyo and covered he wound***

Nhlaka: are they  gonna br need okay

Kwezi: yes she and the baby are good luckily the bullet didn't hit her rib cage though the bullet went in from her back meaning she was shot from the back so it will be hard to find the culprit there are
both perfectly fine

Nhlaka: no one is leaving this place today we will catch this culprit today lock all the gates and doors and tell the guards to guard every one

(At the hall )

Auntiza: what's wrong mandisa why are shaky

Mandisa: aunty I need your help I messed up big time I.. I wasn't thinking straight

Auntiza: what dud you do

Mandisa: I shot buhle
***mandisa didn't see it coming but a hot slap landed on her face***

Auntiza: you did what ,do you know what kind of people your have messed with I told I don't want any problems

Mandisa: I did what I did and it's done now please help aunty there's no way out for me,they put guards everywhere and also said no one is leaving until the culprit is caught

Auntiza: uyang nyayisa shem(you digust me shem) all because of jealousy and a man who doesnt even see you or want you

Mandisa: are you gonna help or not ,you're forgetting I'm carrying most of your secrets and I can literally say it out rn here

Auntiza: uyangthreatenisha Mandisa (are you threatening me) I'll help just this once never again
***they then rolled the gun in tissue and  hide the gun in the trash bin the gun had Mandisa's fingerprints all over it mind you Mandisa has never used a gun in her life except now***

Mandisa: what if they find it

Auntiza: will you calm down would you ,you did this mos now shut the fuck up

***Mandisa was shaking and all because of what she has done and she felt so much quilt**

(At the cottage)

Ron: bozza

Nhlaka: found anything yet

Ron: we found a gun in the trash covered in tissue and a real gun man wouldn't hide it in the trash it has to be someone vulnerable and  jealous I don't know but it makes sense

Nhlaka: everyone should get searched

Ron: on it bozza
***then he went to the hall**

Kwanele: you can go take fresh air outside you've been in here for long

Nhlaka: I'm not leaving until buhle is awake

Kwezi: she is okay dont worry

(At the hall)
***Everyone was in shock because they didn't know that the bride was shot so there were guards at the door basically all  exits and they were searching people***

Liyana: Ron what's going on why are people getting searched

Ron: I'm not supposed to tell anyone about this but Buhle was shot and you deserve to know that.

Liyana : what she she was just ouky  is she gonna be  okay I'm going to see her

Ron: yes she will be ouky and  I suggest you stay here with others until we find the culprit we don't want everyone knowing what happened

Liyana: alright

Auntiza: hi Liyana I wanted to ask what's going on ,why is everyone getting searched

Liyana: I don't know anything, so don't ask me
Auntiza: mxm
***she walked to mandisa who was now sitting down with her hands on her face shaking***

Auntiza: yini ngawe we hid it mos now stop this act of yours or they will ķnow its you

Mandisa: aunty I'm scared

Auntiza: scared yamasimba, you made your bed now lie on it

***the guys searched everyone but didn't find anything on anyone including Mandisa  only the gun in the trash so they decided to take the gun for fingerprints testing to find the culprit which takes 3 weeks for the results to come out***

(At the cottage)

Ron: bossa we didn't find anything but we took the gun for testing so we have to wait 3 weeks for the results

Nhlaka: good your work is done you can tell the guards to let everyone go home and rest
***Ron went out to tell the guards then everyone went home so nhlaka drove buhle home and Kwanele ,kwezi and ntando then went to their homes***

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