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15:48,02/03/24]nex:♡♡THE ONE FOR HIM♡♡



...INSERT 24...





*** nhlaka and buhle are chilling in the sitting room while buhle is playing with nhlaka's hair and telling him about how people wanted buhle to perform her song live but nhlaka does not seem to like the idea ,buhle is very excited about it cause she always wanted to be heard and to make songs for people, she belied music heals***
*** nhlaka then went to the bathroom when suddenly his phone rang ,buhel picked it up it was an unknown number***

Voice: hey  where are you,you said you would come and pick me up after work

***buhle just kept quite because she was in shock to hear a voice of another woman,then she cut the call ,nhlaka came back***

Nhlaka: I'm done ,come let's make food

Buhle: yea sure

Nhlaka: why change of mood all of a sudden

Buhle: oh nothing just hungry that all

Nhlaka: oh ouky standwa sam(my love)

***they made food and ate***
Nhlaka: ouky bbe I'm gonna go to the office a bit just to check if everything is ouky cause I checked and they alot of errors on the paper works

Buhle: oh alright  enjoy

Nhlaka: yea something wrong

Buhle: nah all is good

Nhlaka: mmm if something Is wrong then just tell me cause I'm not God so I wouldn't know what's wrong without you telling me

Buhle: I said nothing is wrong mos yini manje(what now)

Nhlaka: now why you raising your voice
***buhle just kept quite and hummed a song***

Nhlaka: I hoping when I come back you are not giving me this attitude of yours

Buhle: mmm

***nhlaka just took his keys and walked out looking pissed asf***


*** I don't know what's wrong with buhle ,we were good and now she's giving me a cold shoulder I didn't even do anything maybe it's just the pregnancy, right now I'm in my office just going through paper work trying to keep myself busy,my mood I just ruined honestly I don't even want to go home,I'm not going home ill sleep at baba and ma's place cause I really don't have the energy to go home ill tell the girls to check up on her I know she is pregnant and she needs me but maybe she needs some time alone to think straight, I hate when she gives me attitude honestly i know mine is worse but hers is like a stab in the wound***
***after he was done with work at 10pm he drove to his parents house and slept there***


*** It's 10 pm already and he's still not home I tried calling him but he is not responding to my calls maybe he is busy with his straatmate , what am I supposed to think now I really don't want to believe he is cheating I trust him and I know he wouldn't do that  but maybe I'm not enough for him anymore just hearing another woman's voice on his phone just stresses me out, I'm trying to stay calm cause I'm carrying a baby and I don't want to put the baby in danger,I miss him though I really do I don't even know where he is at or what he is doing with who ,I'm really tired maybe he will come back a bit later,lemme just sleep***

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