Chapter 1

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' آغاز پر اعتبار نہ کریں
سچے الفاظ آخری لمحے میں بولے جاتے ہیں'

' Aaghaz pr aitebar na kren,
Sacche alfaz aakhri lamhe me bole jate hain '


The night was dark and eerie. The endless, vast sky was adorned with the tiny twinkling starts and the serene, silver glowing moon. The fluffy clouds were swimming around the endless canvas happily. The stars were blinking brightly in awe looking at the serene and soft glow of the sleeping beauty.

A girl was cozily cuddling with a huge pillow on her bed. She was sleeping peacefully in her own dreamland. Her face devoid of any worry or concern. Her face was more shiny and serene than the moon itself. The stars were winking at each other admiring her beauty and tranquility. But the moon was envious of the tranquility and purity her innocent face held. Her glow dimmed the shine of the moon.

But as the moon kept eying her peaceful figure, she stirred. Her face lost the calm and tranquility in a jiffy. The stars frown looking at her twisting and turning figure. The pillow she held in her hand was gripped tightly by her, her eyebrows knitted together, eyes clenched close and breaths becoming heavy.

Seeing the stars frowning and twinkling furiously as if passing a signal the clouds quickly came to help. Seeing the moon eying the little girl enviously the clouds quickly hid the moon, preventing it to cast anymore evil glance to the little girl.

But the deed was already done, the girl jolted up straight. Her breath loud and heavy, palms sweaty and trembling. With her shaky hands she searched for the switch and the room was soon lit with a yellow light. The girl threw the duvet away from her and hugged the pillow tighter. She looked around and grabbed the water bottle with shaky hands and took few small sips but nothing helped. She stood up cautiously and with slow steps she left the room.

Her legs were shaking slightly but she reached the stairs and the moment she took the first step, realisation dawned upon her. The place she was about to go was empty, that person was no more there to pull her in a warm embrace and lull her to sleep. A tear slipped her eyes followed by many. She was alone, no one was there for her. She knew that she needs to calm down before she freaks out so she decided to go to the only place which never refuses her warmth. The only place where she was always welcome. She moved towards her room direction but rather than entering inside she opened the door right beside her room.

She searched for the switch board and the room was lit with a bright white light. She straightly went to the bed and sat on it hugging her knees. She leaned her back on the headrest and took the pillow on her lap and cried silently. She was scared, she was alone and she was dejected. She sobbed and sniffed and cried till her tears dried off. She was so engrossed in her pain that she didn't noticed the bag and clothes placed on the couch. She only came back to her senses when she heard the click of the door. She flinched with fear. She was all alone in the whole house. She hugged herself tighter and looked in the direction of the voice.

The door of the bathroom opened revealing a tall figure dressed in loose tee and sweats. A small towel in hands wiping the water dripping from damp hair.

The moment their eyes met, a loud sob left her body and more tears rolled down her round flushed cheeks. Looking at her devasted state the person threw the towel on the couch and ran towards her in few long strides.

" Shh, it's okay. Bss bss. I'm here, I'm back. Everything's fine, you are fine." The person hugged her sobbing figure tightly while caressing her hair and patting her back.

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