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{Bella's point of view}
I begin to run to there house I know jake will get there 1st but I can't let him kill any of them I make it to the Cullen's and jake is inside I can see him though to window and I run in the house and to Jacobs side

{Jacobs point of view}
"I want Edward" I said
"Edward hasn't come back" emmet said
"Where did he go" i asked getting angry
"I don't know after what happened with Bella he ran off and has not came back" emmet said and I tensed up I know Bella noticed
"Jacob can we finish our walk?" she asked i want that blood sucker to pay but Bella is more important but Edward will regret what he did to her
"Yea lets go" I said and we walked out
"Jake what where you going to do if Edward was there?" She asked
"Have a calm conversation about what he did" and we both laughed
"Jacob thanks" she said and I looked confused
"For what?" I ask
"Caring and protecting me" she said
And I stop walking and step in fount of her

{Bella's point of view}

"Bella that is called love I would never hurt you ever." He said pulling me close our faces nearly touch
"Bella you mean the world to me I can't lose you" he says putting his hands on my wait and I put my arms around his neck
"Kiss me" I whisper Jakes head looks away with a concerned face as Edward comes out of the woods Jacob steps in front of me
"What do you want" Edward yells
"What the hell why did you hurt bella" jake screams
"She slapped me I lost control" he said
"No reason for you to choke her" jake said
"Bella?" Edward said
"What" I replied
"You really down graded huh your dating a werewolf now" he said
"No! I'm not dating jake" I said
"Why do you have to ruin everything! We were having a moment" Jacob said starting to shake and growl
"Bella walk away" Jacob said
Edward ran and picked me up and ran off Jacob not far behind
"Jake help me!" I scream
he growls and picks up his pace
Alice and emmet join in the chase
What the hell happened to Edward what is he doing Edward stops and puts me down Jacob, Alice and emmet stand ready
"What are you doing?" Alice asked
"Edward what has gotten into to you?" Emmet asked and Edward pushed me to the ground I fell cutting my hand on a branch
Jacob tackles Edward and Alice runs off not able to handle the blood once again emmet comes to my side
"Bella.Bella what are going to do with you" he says and tears the sleeves off his jacket and wraps it around my arm to stop the blood Jacob and Edward are still fighting they rolled down the hill
"I like my shirts sleeveless anyway" he says and I giggle
"Thanks emmet" I said and I stand up and walk to the top of the hill
"stop!" I yell the boys stop fighting and look at me
"What is wrong with you Edward why are you hurting me" I said walking down the hill emmet right behind me
"Bella get away from me we are nothing we were never anything" he says
"Good i have other people who care about me a lot more" I look at emmet and Jacob
"My brother?" He said
"Yup and your sister Alice and you mom and dad they care about me Edward you don't" I say and Jacob phases back and stands next to me Edward runs off again and I hug emmet
"Thank you tell Alice im sorry and I thank her for her help" I say
"Can do, oh and Bella try and be careful jake can you keep an eye on her?" Emmet says and me and jake giggle
"Can do" jake says and emmet runs off
"Now where were we?" I ask and jake pulls me close to him and kisses me I kiss him back he puts his hand on my wait and I wrap my hand around his neck pulling at his hair Jacob loves me ...and I love Jacob
"Loca" he says in between the kiss but I ignore it and keep kissing him
"I need to get you home" he says but I keep kissing him I almost forget it's the middle of the night and give in jake takes me home and helps me back into my room through the window
"Night bella" he says
"No...jake stay" I say and he nods I walk over a lock my door and walk over to jake and hug him
"Thank you" I say
"I will always protect you" he says and kisses the top of my head I look up at him
"You need to sleep" he says
"So do you" and a grin spreads across his face and we both lay in bed jakes arm across my waist holding me close

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