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{Bella's point of view}
"Thanks for watching Ryder we shouldn't be too long" I say hugging Ryder and handing him to Seth
"Okay have fun" he smiles

[remote hill]
Jake sets up the food on the blanket and I sit down he places chocolate strawberries down and a bottle of wine he then sits down
"Yea loca"
"I need to tell you something..."I say and he looks at me confused and a little worried
"I'm pregnant" I say with a smile tears gathering in my eyes
"Oh my gosh Bella this is amazing" he says with a smile and sits closer to me putting his hand on my belly
"Bella...I need to ask you something"
"Yea?" I say
"Um...Bella you know that I love you very much you are my life...there is nothing I wouldn't do for you...so Bella I want you to marry me" tears start pouring out of my eyes and I hug him
"Of course Jake yes I will marry you" I say Jake holds me tight and stands us up he puts the ring on my finger and I hug him again
"I love you Jacob"
"I love you too" we draw back from the hug and sit down we laughed at talked for what seemed like hours
"We should head back" Jake says
"Yea" I nod we put everything in my red truck and head home

{Edwards point of view}
"I'm sorry Edward but with your gifts I can't just end you...your life it too precious" aro says walking toward me
"Why?...why do you want to die...you could join us" aro continues
"No...a life here would be much worse then death" I stand and walk away

{Bella's point of view}
"Bella!" Alice comes running to my house Jacob and Ryder went to the store so I was alone I stood up
"Bella...it's Edward" she said putting her hands on my shoulders with the most worried look on her face I looked puzzled and worried at the same time
"He's....in Italy...Vol...Bella he wants to die" she manages to say
My mind starts to race
"Why Alice" I ask
"Because he loves you Bella" she says
"That's not my issue I'm getting married I have a kid I'm so much more happy with Jake then I could have been with Edward" I say stepping back
"Bella he's my brother you have to help me" she pleads
"What am I suppose to do?!" I sorta shout
"He won't be able to see you coming Bella you can save him"
"Alice...I have a life...I can't just leave...Jake will worry and I have a son...what if the Volturi try to kill me because I'm human and I know about you guys...he could kill Edward and you...all of your family...Alice I can't" I say ruining my hands through my hair
"Bella..."he says with hopeless eyes
"Fine! I'll call jake"
I explain everything to Jake as I pack a small bag
"Bella you don't have to do this" Jake says
"But I do Jake I did love him at one point...and I love Alice and his family I have to help them" I reply
"There's no point in fighting with you your too stubborn...we will be home soon to say goodbye" he says and he hangs up

Jake pulls into the drive way and gets Ryder out of the car
"I'll wait outside" Alice says not being able to withstand the "dog stench"
Jake walks in and hugs me tightly
"I love you loca" he says holding me tight
"I lobe you mommy" Ryder says running and hugging my leg I laugh at his baby talk and pick him up
"I lobe you to Ryder" I say kissing his cheek I look at Jake and he kisses me
"I'll be home in 2 days" I say
"That's a really long time" Jake says
"Yes a willy willy long time" Ryder chimes in
"Bella sorry to interrupt but we have to go" Alice says poking her head in
"Okay" jake hugs me and kisses me one last time and so dose Ryder I wave and walk to the car I close the door and Shed a tear
"It's the 1st time I'll be away from them for this long" I say and wipe my tear
"Let's go" I say and we head to the airport

[in Italy]
"Where is he alice?" I ask her as we drive towards what looks like a festival in the town square
"The clock tower...Bella he will see me coming you have to go" she says
"Okay where?" I asked rushed
"I'm just run straight you will run right into it Bella hurry you only have 3 minutes" i get out of the car and begin to run
I get closer to the clock tower I can now see Edward standing in the door way
"Edward!" I yell fighting through the large crowd
I'm down to seconds to stop him I finally push through and hug him
"Edward inside now" I say sternly
"Bella?" He says stepping back inside
"What the hell" I say pushing his shoulders
"You what thought I was okay to die!?" I yell at him
"No Bella-I just can't lie without you" he says and I back up
"Well Edward you ruined that a long time ago...it does not mean you can't be apart of my life and I can't be apart of yours" I say running my hands through my hair Edward stands in silence
"Come on let's get out of here" I say
"Put your shirt on" I say picking it up and tossing it to him
"Why are you here?" He asks
"Because I care about you! You can't just go and die! Your family is mine there grief is mine! Do you realize how badly your death would hurt them...and me! What the hell!" I say louder then I should have and I walk out the doors Edward finishes buttoning his shirt and follows after me and we return to Alice's car
"Oh thank god" she says
"You couldn't see?" I asked
"No you where blocking it somehow...I'm not sure" she says looking puzzled  
"Edward!" She shouts
"What the hell were you thinking!" She says lowering her voice but still talking sternly he didn't reply he just sat back and closed his eyes
"God damn it Edward" she says stepping on the gas

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