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{Seth's point of view}
"She gone? it's all my fault!" Jacob yells tears begin to roll down his face and he bolts out of the house and runs off I grab Ryder and buckle him into the car and start driving to town, tears running down my face
{Edwards point of view}
"Victoria keeps coming around" I say to Emmett tossing the paper on the table and sitting down
"Yeah she hasn't gone in our lands yet, she's staying By the wolves witch is weird" he says Alice walks in and sits on the couch near emmet 
"Yeah it's really weird I haven't seen her since you killed her mate...and I can't see what she wants" Alice says
"She's staying by the wolves not our issue" Emmet says and Alice gives him a glare
Alice's expression becomes blank and I know immediately that she was having a vision
"Alice what is it!?" I ask running to her side
"Bella." She says and my face sinks and I become limp
"What with Bella Alice!" I ask urgently
"I don't know...there's a casket...and flowers that's all I can see" she says
"That wolf is blocking the Vision I can't see past him" she says
{Jacobs point of view}
I run though the woods i didn't make it far from the house and I fall to the ground returning into a human I lay on the bed of the forest and cry not able to take in what I had done earlier today not able to bare the thought that Bella is- and I'm cut off by Edward standing over me
"What the hell did you do!" He shouts and I stand
"Go ahead kill me I can't bare to look at myself after what iv done" I shout back
"You idiot I'm not here to kill you you deserve to live with the pain of what you have done!" He shouts
"Get the hell away from me if you're not going to kill me!" I continue to shout
"Have fun living with this wolf" he says and he bolts off
I scream at the top of my lungs and fall to the floor again
{seth's point of view}
Me and Ryder arrive at the hospital and I park and get Ryder out of his car seat and we walk inside, I walk to the desk
"Um hi I'm here to see Bella swan..."I say
"And who are you?" She asks
"I'm a friend but this is her son..."I say and she nods
"Room 220 down this hall and to the left" she says and I quickly walk to her room holding Ryder
"Seth why did daddy hurt mommy?" He asks
And I stop
"Ryder your dad did not mean to...you can't tell anyone okay we will talk about it later I promise" I say looking him in the eyes and he nods we walk into Bella's room moments later. When we walk in I see a Bella like I've never seen before I see the top of where jakes claw sank  into her that continued under her hospital gown there where tubes sticking out everywhere and she was resting her face untouched besides a small bruise from her falling onto the floor
"Mommy" Ryder says
"Shhh she's sleeping" I say gently covering his mouth but Bella smiles
"Hello pumpkin" she says slowly opening her eyes I have to refrain from crying when I see the pain she's in
"Mommy!" Ryder shouts
"Come here sweetie" she says and I place Ryder carefully next to Bella on the bed Ryder cuddles up next To her and doesn't say a word
"Where is Jacob?" She asks
"He ran off after the ambulance left..." I say
"I can't believe he would run off I need him-" she says and stops Jacob walks into the room
"Bella?" He says and she slowly turns her head to look at him
"Jake" she says with a smile she tries to sit up but cringes in pain
"Hi daddy" Ryder says
"Taking care of your mom?" Jake asks slowly getting closer to the bed
{Jacobs point of view}
"Yup!" He says proudly and we all smile a little
"Why don't you go with Seth and get some ice cream from down stairs?" I say giving Ryder a 5 dollar bill Ryder looks at Seth and Seth picks him up off the bed and they leave the room
"Bella-I'm...I'm so sorry" I manage to choke out before I begin to cry
"Jacob I knew the risk it's my own fault for letting myself become so angry at you" she says putting her hand on my hand but I push it away and she cringes in pain from the fast movement
"Bella I'm-" I start but she shakes her head as if she was saying there is not apology needed tears still roll down my face and they don't stop
"Bella...I'm suppose to protect you I'm never suppose to hurt you and I have I won't ever be able to forgive my self I can't live with this Bella I can deal with many things but hurting the girl I love most is something I will never ever be able to forgive myself for...it's not even safe for me to be this close to you...what for I hurt you again..." I say
"Jake it was an accident it's okay we can get though this together" she says pushing the button to pump more morphine into her IV
"No Bella...maybe you and Ryder should leave for a while...take Seth with you to watch you guys until we figure things out" I say standing this is the last thing I want but I hurt her and the red head will be here soon so I show no emotion of missing her I show her this I what is best and I can see the heart break in her face and literally hear her heart snap in two she begins to cry
"Goodbye Bella...I love you" I say kissing her on the head I walk out of the room and brake into tears and anger I quickly walk out of the hospital brushing past Ryder and Seth
"Dadd-" I hear Ryder say as I walk away but I continue to walk away although I'm braking inside and every part of me wants to hold him and Bella in my arms
{Seths point of view}
"Why did daddy do that?" Ryder says looking up at me
"I'm not sure lets go by your mommy" I say and we begin walking to Bella's room and I can hear Bella's cry from 4 rooms away and I quicken my speed. Me and Ryder walk into the room moments later and I run to Bella's side
"What happened?" I ask her she continues to cry
"Mommy?" Ryder says only his eyes poke over the side of the bed when he's standing on his tippy toes moments later Charlie walks in and all I can think is 'could things get any worse'
"What's happening" he asks and Bella attempts to stop crying
"I saw jake running off Bella did he hurt you!?" Charlie says and Bella beings crying harder this time
"Charlie can you take Ryder back to your house I need to talk to Bella" I say and Ryder remains silent
"Not until I know what's happening" Charlie says and his eye brows come together
"Charlie please...ill explain it all later when she's sleeping I'll come over" I say giving him a look of desperation
"Please" I beg he nods and takes Ryder's hand and they walk out of the room
I sit next to Bella and hold her hand not saying a word I just let her cry and look at her wishing I could do anything to help

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