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Katelyn's pov

For the next few weeks, Millan did not talk to me and the silence made me go insane. part of the reason i enjoyed being with Millan was all that talking of hers made the voices in my head to dim out, but as we neared the end of the semester and the exams neared, we started talking while studying together, but it was not the same, she seemed a little bit distant. i also noticed she would finish our study sessions quicker everyday and go hang around different people. i also noticed that she seemed happier....

after the exams were over, Millan invited me to this party she was having in her house as a way to celebrate. i wanted to attend in order to find out if there was anyway i could save our friendship i was crossing my fingers it would. afterwards i would go on a trip to Canada and stay with my grand mother for a while.

i did not put much thought into what i would wear so, seeing that i would arrive late, i threw on black cargo pants, a white crop top and a black denim jacket. My dad bought me a jeep as a congratulatory gift and that was my ride to Millan's house which was about an hour and a half from home i drove silently to her place i did not put any music , since i wanted to try and calm myself, my thoughts and a long drive there late in the evening would do just the trick.

As i slowed down into the driveway, i was welcomed with blasting music and a bunch of people i have never met in the front yard, and this did not sit right with me. i found a lovely parking spot away from the crowd, took my gift and headed inside. i walked to the more quiet part of the house at the back yard near the pool, and there i met Millan talking with a bunch of her friends and as soon as she noticed me, she pulled me to the side so that we could talk. "Hi Millan, its nice to see you how are you enjoying post high school life." "hiiiiiiii K i am sooo glad you could make it, i am loving this life, no more uniform, assignments, waking up early... i mean the list is endless." "yeah its great." ''what are your plans for the holiday anyway?" "i am thinking of visiting my grandma in Canada i am actually leaving in a few days what about you?" "mmhh, i don't know yet, but i'll figure things out," "hey, i'm very sorry about what i said, you know with the whole color thing, look i did not mean it like that , honest, can we please be friends again?"

"Hey Millan, why are you still hanging out with this bitch? after everything she did to you? you should have some respect for yourself." "ooh actually i was just ending things with her, yo K this is my reply to your question...." i felt a very sharp sting a cross my cheek and before i could register anything i felt another , then the crowd that i had not realized was watching cheered for Millan. than they started throwing their plastic cups at me this whole time i was still in a daze and it was only when one cup hit my head did i register what was happening.

"that's what bitches like you get for treating people like garbage..." one voice said but i could not make out whose it was since night was had fallen. "what is this bitch still doing here, does she want to get hit more or something?" "you better go K or my real friends will take revenge on all you have ever done to me." Millan said. as soon as she finished here sentence the cups came flying again one even had booze in it. they were throwing more and more when, "hey, hey, stop it what is this? are you kids or something. you can not just gang up against someone like that that's is so immature now clear the area." everyone was leaving, and as they left the person who came to my rescue turned and looked at me with the most pitiful eyes i have ever seen and asked if i was ok.

i took my time studying his facial features so that i would always remember this kind soul, he had very deep green eyes that i could tell even in the darkness straight hair, whose color i could not make out, he had a chiseled jawline and very well built body, and was considerably taller than me. "yes, i am ok thankyou for asking. and thankyou for standing up for me, i owe you one." "you sure?" "yes i am.... i am going to head out now again thankyou for your concern."

authors note

hey guys, ill try be updating three chapters a week so please drop a comment and a like it will be very much appreciated..

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