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Sari's pov

I was a complete dick. like literally, i do not even know what came over me why was i so mean to her. Katelyn, she has a very pretty name, it suits her. she has a very calm demeanor. even when i shouted at her she was being polite. now i feel like an absolute piece of shit. to be honest, i seriously did not want to act like that. i have just been on edge lately. why you ask coz of my ex. turns out she was only with me coz of my family's money. to think she took advantage of the time i was at my lowest to get close to me .... that is when my parents died. anyway, lets not think about that. i can not hear anything from outside the shed save for the clanking of metal. i have been out here for like ten minutes i wonder how she is holding up. "Sari!.... Saaariii!" that's my brother Alex he is a year younger than me but orders me around like he is ten years older than me.. it was his idea that i go open the gate. i stand up to go around the front to see what is up , just when i was dusting myself, Katelyn steps out all covered in grease, she even had some on her face, i also notice that she had tied her very curly and a lot of hair at the top of her head in a very messy bun. that is when i notice her outfit, dark brown cargo pants, paired with a black top. her greasy arms were adorned with black beaded bracelets. she also wore black sneakers she looked very cute actually, she is of considerable height, maybe a 5 ft 6' bit i am still taller than her being a 6ft 2'. i looked up to her face and that is when i was met by her brown eyes. they were so brown that they were trance lucent but they were.....dim. "you took my words literally," Katelyn said that's when i noticed her voice. a fine line between high pitched and low pitch it was almost musical i also noted the sarcasm. "well you did ask me to wait out for a moment, so i did, " she looked in thought for a moment then said "ok, thanks."

wait what "why are you thanking me again?" honestly i am confused, "you waited...., ummm, am gonna get going now" "did you just thank me for waiting for you?" she turned from me took her tool box and started walking away, my mind went blank. "there you are Sari, i have been looking every where for you did you not hear me call? who is this, did you get another girlfriend and not tell me" Katelyn, gave him a small smile and walked past him saying "no, i am not his girlfriend." i followed her to the front completely ignoring my brother where i met her talking with my grandma telling her that there was some piece of wire that was caught up in the gears or something but she fixed it. yet again, grandma invited her in for some lemonade, she yet again declined and started to go her way halfway past the driveway she started running like something was chasing her, then something fell off her pocket though she did not seem to notice. she pulled the gate open and just like that she was gone.

me and my family just stood there, stunned. "i wonder why she is afraid of us, she seems like such a nice young lady Sari, did you scold her again?" my grandma asked and i shaked my head. "her hands were shaking a bit. i noticed that when she walked past me a few minutes ago maybe she is not feeling well?" my brother commented as he and grandma went back to the house they did not seem to notice the thing that fell out of her pocket. i walked towards it to pick it up. it was an inhaler... is she gonna be alright without it? just as i was thinking about it , i herd an urgent knock at the gate... guessing who it was, i jogged to the gate and there she stood, Katelyn, she looked distraught and out of breath, "i.. i ... i think i dropped something..... is it possible for me to come in.....come in and look for it" she was almost in tears, her breaths were short and urgent and my heart was breaking "here it , fell as you were leaving" she took it from my palm, opened it and sucked, her knees gave out and she just sat there i squatted next to her rubbing her back not knowing what else to do. once she calmed down, she turned her head to look at me with tears almost falling off her thick lashes and said, "please don't tell anyone about this...".

what......."what, do you mean, does no one know, i don't understand, why would you keep this to yourself" she was silent the entire time she looked defeated i gave in "alright i wont tell a soul" a look of relief washed over her, "thankyou, I'll be heading home now" she stood up to go home and i also stood following closely behind her, it would be safer if i walked her home right. after a few feet she turned "why are you following me" "i am not" she let out a small laugh then said "i am fine, no need to worry" she has a very convincing face i almost fell for it but i just continued following her...."hey, we had a bad first day, is it possible that we start over..." i asked hoping to mend my mistakes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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