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ADRENALINE — CHAPTER 09set the date

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set the date

2nd november 2023
phoebe's point of view

i have never hit the buttons to call isabel so quickly, she responds after the first ring, before i can a word out she interrupts me.

"girl, you're all over the news, jacob has 100% seen it" she says.

"mhm" i respond, not sure if i should be freaking out or excited "he dmed me saying 'so you wanna do a love scene with me huh?'"

"fuck that's hot" i can hear her grin from the other line, "i swear if you don't make a move on this guy i will."

"what do i say?" i ask her, i never know why i trust isabel, she's never had a relationship that's not ended in pure chaos.

she thinks for a few moments, which feels like a lifetime for me, before responding.

"don't try and be a smartass" she says "he clearly likes you, he wouldn't have done anything with you on halloween if he didn't, and you've literally admitted to wanting to do a fuck scene with him for the whole world to see."

"thanks for reminding me" i groan, burying my face in my hands.

"but" she continues "at the same time, he was kinda a dick to you yesterday, be a little cold, like for every 20 words he says, you say 2."

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instagram dms

jacob elordi
so you wanna do a love scene with me huh?

phoebe raynott
maybe i do

jacob elordi
hmm i think you do
for what it's worth, if you were an actress i'd want to do a love scene with you too

holy fuck i'm blushing.

phoebe raynott
that's not how it seemed yesterday morning

jacob elordi
shit, i'm so sorry about that, i was hungover and i wasn't thinking, obviously i didn't want you to just leave

phoebe raynott
it's fine

jacob elordi
no honestly, let me make it up to you
are you free tomorrow night?

phoebe raynott

jacob elordi
come to mine, i'll make you dinner

phoebe raynott
i'll think about it

jacob elordi
yes or no, pheebs?

phoebe raynott

jacob elordi
i'll see you at 7.
phoebe raynott ❤️ this message

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@phoeberaynott 73 questions w/ me is up on vogue's youtube! @vogue what a dream it's been, more to come ;)

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@phoeberaynott 73 questions w/ me is up on vogue's youtube! @vogue what a dream it's been, more to come ;)

liked by jamesraynott, jacobelordi and 1,184,267 others


username to be jacob

dominicfike call me a trumpet cause you're getting me all horny and stuff
phoeberaynott did you just use a pickup line from a fucking adam sandler movie?

username she's soooo fine

gigihadid wifey 💍

username bro imagine her saying she wants to do a love scene with you

view all 86,542 comments

2nd november 2023

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t's notes
okay third chapter of the day holy shit, who am i? these chapters have been really short though, the next few chapters will probably be longer.
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ADRENALINE ⭑ jacob elordiWhere stories live. Discover now