Catch up

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The last sunrays of the day delicately shined through the big glass windows of the large company building's room. It's been 5 weeks since the Ateez members last got together.

The door opened for the 5th time as Wooyoung stepped in, with a smile on his face.
Mingi, Yunho & the other 2 already were inside.

Wooyoung briefly hugged all of them; "Hey guys, how nice to see your faces again".
"Aah, you too mate. I can tell your vacation must've been great, judging by how well rested you look" Mingi responded nicely as he was patting him on the back after their hug.
"Haha, that's right. I think we all needed this break urgently to finally get some time for ourselves after the past crazy couple of months".
Wooyoung was somewhat relieved to see his friends again after those couple of weeks, but he weirdly found himself slightly disappointed that San wasn't there yet.
"I guess the other ones couldn't get enough of their holidays yet, so they just decided to stay haha", Mingi commented.

As Wooyoung chatted with the members that were there already, he couldn't help but glance over to the door every couple of minutes, waiting for San to finally enter too

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As Wooyoung chatted with the members that were there already, he couldn't help but glance over to the door every couple of minutes, waiting for San to finally enter too. Just why was his heart beating faster than usual? It's not like he would be meeting someone new, why was his body acting like he should be nervous? It's probably just the fact that he was excited to finally see his best friend in the group again, he told himself trying to distract himself from his restless feeling. Even during his vacation he noticed he was missing San a lot, but once again, that just obviously had to be how you're missing someone close to you.

The door knob finally turned, he glanced over, his heartbeat rising even more, in the matter of a second.

Hongjoong and Seonghwa stepped in one after another.
Right, of course they would enter together, they texted into the groupchat 2 weeks ago that by coincidence they had booked the same travel destination for their last week.

"Well if those aren't our dear lovebirds" Mingi said teasingly, smirking.
Instead of getting embarassed they just glanced at each other's eyes briefly, grinning every so slightly, but went right back to giggling; "Ah right, right, you got us Mingi"
The intital reaction stroke Wooyoung as slightly weird, almost agreeing, but he was thinking to himself, they probably expected a comment like this from Mingi after spending their last week of their vacation together.

Wooyoung was getting so nervous knowing they were only waiting for San now, it was almost strange.

Finally, the door would open for the last time and San walked in.
Without even realizing it, Wooyoung got up so fast and excitedly, but just as he got up, he realized how instant his reaction was, leaving him standing on the spot awkwardly while the others were looking up at him confused.

San walked up to him slowly, already with his arms opened "Ah you just couldn't wait to see me again, could you?" giggling as his eyes turned slanted.
"He's just so cool.." Wooyoung thought to himself as he hugged him. He could distinctively feel that San had gotten even more buff since the last time they saw each other. Almost subconsciously he was stroking his back with his palms, being stunned by his physique.
He could feel his cheeks slowly turning red "I can tell you've been doing a lot of training since the last time we saw each other" he told San, letting go of him fast when he realized every second more would've been weird of a man to hug his male friend for.
San smirked at him, looking directly into his eyes and quietly, only able for him to decipher, responded
"I'm glad you noticed".
Wooyoung's face felt hot all of a sudden.

"Anyway guys, let's get to work" Hongjoong announced, after everyone finished greeting San as well.

They had all met up the first day after their holidays, to discuss their oncoming events and shows, and Hongjoong as their leader needed them to be focused.

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