𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑛𝑒

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I looked down at the busy street below me. It laughed at my pathetic life, I am standing here right now on the top of a tall building, ready to go but no body seems to care, going about their life. I don't really blame them though; first, they don't know I exist, second, their lives are going great. Or is it? I don't believe that though, each and every one of them have something bothering them inside. Third, this world has a cheat code, a silent rule. #live for yourself.

My phone rang beside my feet and I looked down.


The reason of my standing here, but it didn't really matter now did it, to hell with him, to hell with the whole world. I kicked the phone away and it fell somewhere.

I moved forward a bit, so my toes were no longer on the slab. I closed my eyes to brace myself, tried to remember the good memories. It is funny how I have somehow predicted where I am going after this, I will be unable to see my blessed parents but I prayed they forgive me, I prayed for God to have mercy, I still had hope, how very pathetic.

But I had to go, I can't stay here in this world anymore. I am tired, and I don't have anyone, I am alone in this world, so I can't stay here.

"Excuse me!". Can my life get more pathetic, I can't even die in peace now?!

But I could answer at least one question before I leave. I turned around and looked at the man. He looks 40- something, he was wearing an expensive looking suit, he is not built but he looks healthy.

"Daliah?". Now I looked at him confused. How did he know my name, I cannot remember when last I was called my own name.

"Who are you?".

"Get down from there, I'll tell you who I am". He walked forward carefully and stretched his hand forward, I eyed him.

"Just go back to wherever you are coming from". I said ready to turn back.

"Get down from there, Daliah!". I chuckled wryly.

"Or you could get out of here". I said but then, I didn't know when he came closer or expect it when he pulled me down, not so carefully but we didn't fall.

"Who the hell do you think you are". I pulled my arm from his grasp.

"Who do you think you are to do what you were about to". I stared at him for a few seconds then his gaze softened.

"Let's go home, please".


Which home, I cannot remember the last time I was associated with that word. I do not remember what a home is like, but here this stranger is, telling me we should go home.

He removed his blazer and draped it on my shoulders, it covered my bare arms but not my legs.

People stared. I don't know what at. The fact that we are together? Or that I look like shit. I am barefeet, I am injured on my face, my hair is pointing everyway.

I felt too dirty to get in his car, but he didn't seem to mind. The ride home was quiet, the windows were closed so I couldn't hear the noise of the streets. I studied my hands, all way.

After some minutes, we were driving through large black gates, we didn't have to stop and wait for the gates to be opened, the security guard probably saw the car from a far and opened up.

The house is huge, not mansion huge but it is big. He told me to get down with him and I did, after looking around through the window. We walked to the door and he opened it and walked inside, I followed him stopping in the hallway that had few paintings on the wall.

"Halima!". He called and a minute later, a door opened from upstairs accompanied by descending footsteps.

I turned my attention back to one of the paintings, it looked familiar. Quite familiar.

"Daliah, come". It was the way he calls my name, it gave me chills. He called it like he was cradling a baby or holding a rose but being careful with it so the thorns don't prick him.

"This is my daughter halima. Halima please help her freshen up". I looked at the said daughter, they look alike a lot. It's hard not to tell she's his.

She stared at me, my eyes, she tried not to but it is not exactly what you can just glance at once.

"I lost my contacts". I told the father and he nodded.

"I'll get you another, go with halima".

I followed her up the stairs and we stopped at a floor, but that was for her to switch off some lights then we continued our way up. We stopped in front of a door and then went in.

"We look the same size, so I'll just give you my clothes". She went through a sliding door and came back with the clothes, she gave them to me and showed me the bathroom.

I went in and looked at myself in the mirror, I look terrible. I turned on the water for the tub to fill up then I turned back to the mirror.

I looked at my eyes, I remember how he repeated witch as he hit me, at some point I used to believe that but I figured, they were just dumb. I have heterochromia, a situation where the eyes are two different shades. In my case, one is brown, a brown that when the warm sun light reflects in them it looks like the colour of honey. The other, an electrifying blue colour, sometimes like the ocean.

I stripped and stepped into the tub, wincing at the feel of hot water on open wounds. I slipped further inside until the water was above my face and body.

Maybe I could die like this, a more quiet one. But I didn't want to burden them after they have saved me, it will be bad of me. I rose up gasping for breathe and after I calmed down, I rested my back against the wall of the tub and stared at the opposite wall.

A knock came on the door and I snapped out of it and turned to the door.

"Are you okay?". Halima's voice came through.

"Yes". I croaked out. I'm not sure if she heard me but she didn't speak again so I guessed she did.

I washed myself and then got dressed and stepped out of the toilet.

"Did you perform? It's time for Isha". She told me. Of course prayer. The last time I prayed was yesterday subh. I only get to pray when I'm opportuned to.

I went back and performed then I prayed, everything from yesterday dhur. If she thought something, she didn't voice it out.

"Let me do your hair, then we'll go for dinner. If you don't mind". She added the last part quickly and I nodded.

She showed me where to sit and started doing it. She kept on gushing over my hair, how she loved it and wished it was hers. She winced when she reached some point, she said I had an injury there. Probably from when I hit my head when I was pushed. She treated it and finished up then we went down.

Apart from her father, there were two other people there, a guy and a girl. We sat and sir introduced us, I don't even know his name.

"You don't remember me, I am hurt but no worries. I am Ali, uncle Ali".

"You used to get very excited when you saw me when you were younger. Maybe you'll remember Hashim instead". I did remember, I guessed when I saw the painting but I wanted him to clarify.

"This faruq and batool". The faruq smiled but the batool continued using her phone.

"Welcome home".

There's that word again.


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