𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑙𝑣𝑒

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I had space now. And I loved it. I could move about freely without trying to avoid anyone. Especially when I'm all alone, when Hashim goes to khadija's. Unfortunately he's coming back today. I really don't see the use of him staying, we hardly ever talk except when he forces me to come and eat.

I was even sleeping better now, so much so that I used the library often with my cup of tea, just like Baba and read a book. Sometimes I fall asleep like that. This life I approve. Just myself.

I think I had fallen asleep again, because I woke up and for me to wake, I slept. I waited a moment to reboot and then open my eyes. I met with brown pair of eyes like Baba's.

He is back early, right? What time is it? Why is he looking at me like that?

"There she is". He said quietly and I'm sure I had a confused look on.

"This is the daliah I know". What?

Then I realized, I don't have my contacts on. I removed them the day he left, having the house to myself I was free. I am even wearing a grey body hugging maxi dress.

I made to sit up on the couch, my head and eyes downcast and he moved a little so I could sit. As I looked to the side for my phone, he lifted my head with a finger to my chin.

"Why do you hide it?". He asked softly. I gave him my blank look and moved away from his touch.

"Just". I found my phone and saw that he wasn't early but I slept too much.

"I have to pray". I said still not looking at him but he didn't give me room to stand until after a minute.

"I haven't prayed either. Let's pray together". He stood up and gave me his hand, but I didn't take it.

I would have refused the prayer too but it's prayer, so... I went to my room and sighed. I walked to my bathroom, performed and as I was picking a long hijab from my closet, I heard my room door open. I took the hijab and went out to my room to see him seated on the couch in my room.

He stood up and gestured to the mats he probably laid out. They were matching mats, his navy blue and mine black.

"I didn't give you a wedding gift, do you like it?". He said standing on his. I stared at his back and then stepped on the one slightly behind him.

"It's okay, thank you". I replied, he tilted his head but I couldn't see his face. Then he led us in prayer, Maghreb and then nafila.

When we finished the prayers and were saying azhkars. He placed his palm on my forehead and I wanted to move away but he was saying a dua.

He stood up when he was done and even offered his hand but I didn't take it. I stood up on my own, picking my mat.

"This is the second in less than an hour that I show mere gesture but you refuse to courtesy me. Why?". I looked at him looking for a suitable answer, an option was also to ignore him.

"I'm not comfortable with people touching me". I replied finally. He didn't seem hurt as I expected instead he smiled.

"Well get used to it, because I'm your husband and I'll be doing so often". I wanted to say something but decided against it, so when he moved, I picked his mat folded it and handed it to him. He didn't take it.

"Let's go and have dinner". He said instead.

"And, I know you are not hungry but let's go downstairs". He said before I could object.

"Also, you're not tired because you just woke up from sleep, so yalla". He moved aside and gestured to the door, smiling because he thought he won.

Instead I turned in the opposite direction heading for my closet.

"Where are you going?". He asked behind me.

"I want to change. I'll meet you downstairs". I told him and disappeared into the closet.

I'm not sure if he left, I didn't pay attention to whether the door was opened but then I still removed what I was wearing and wore sweatpants and a long sleeved shirt then went out to the room. He was gone.

I went downstairs, taking my time in doing so. I stopped in the doorway of the kitchen where he was chopping vegetables.

There's no denying he is a very attractive man. They all are; he and his siblings. But I didn't want to have any sensual insights of him, which was difficult by the way. Who doesn't want... This. A hot and caring man as your husband. Yes, I know he is a good person but I liked giving a hard time. I still will until I'm comfortable with him.

"Come inside". He said not looking up from what he was doing.

I remember telling him four days ago not to expect me to cook for him everyday.

"Why?". He had asked

"I don't know how to cook". I told him.

"I thought every northern, no Nigerian lady your age should be a perfect cook?".

"Well, not me".

"Okay. I won't cook for you for free though". He said finally.

"I didn't ask you to". He stared at me for the briefest of moments before he laughed.

So now, he does the cooking while I sit and eat what I can. Up till now, I have only tasted his noodles because that is what we eat everytime. Maybe a little change in breakfast but it's always noodles in the evening.

"You're 23 right?". He asked suddenly.

"24". He looked up at me as if to say there's no difference but there is.

"I'm 27". I didn't ask for the information.


"My birthday is on 15th August and...".

"What are you doing?".

"Telling you about myself". He smiled and continued.

So that was how I listened to him tell me information I didn't ask for, but somehow I was interested. He told me about times when he used to come visit us with his dad when we were younger and other things from my childhood I don't remember. After he talked my ears off- so much for being quiet. We ate. His cooking is good by the way, but I won't tell him that.

"I'll do the dishes". I offered for the first time so he was surprised.

"It's only fair, you cook and I'll clean". He stared at me as I walked to the sink.

"Are you bipolar?". I would have thought he was joking but he sounded serious and when I looked at him he looked it.

"No, why?".

"Nothing". He said quickly. He came over to where I stood and I ignored him. He wasn't too close but he was close enough, his perfume filled my senses. In a good way.

"Your eyes are beautiful". He said, his voice low and soft, I was forced to believe him.

"Uh, thanks".

"So, stop hiding them, from me atleast". I looked at him then back at what I was doing.

I didn't reply him but I think he knew I wasn't going to do so, but didn't say anything again.

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