𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛

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I planned on continuing with my routine for the one week I'll be staying here. Hashim had other plans though. He brought food for me in the mornings and evenings and had the made bring me lunch. I hardly even eat it, just a few spoons he forces me to eat. I was better, I treated the wound well and honestly, I ought to have a medical license with the way I'm good at fixing my injury.

I had just woken up after taking sleeping pills. I was by the mirror trying to put my contacts back on, the lights were not on but I could still put them one.

My door barged open and I knew immediately it was Hashim, he never knocks, never.

I finished putting it on before switched on the lights.

"Why is it dark here". I turned to face him.

"I just woke up from sleep". He didn't seem to believe me, but I hardly ever lie.

"My mother is coming to have dinner with us today". He told me.

"Didn't you think of telling me earlier?". I looked at the wall clock, it's already past six.

"I wasn't sure until now". We stared at eachother for a while. Then I turned my back on him. He left after some minutes.

I wanted to meet his mother, I have never before but I have an impression of her. She never attended halima or faruq's graduations, nor did she attend halima's wedding, she did call though.

I also see her a problematic woman. When she heard I was in the house, she said Baba had started following girls his daughters' age. We heard from his sisters. I found it childish and silly. I mean, they are no longer together so that should not concern her.

I went to my wardrobe and picked out a free atampha gown. I sat on the bed scrolling through tiktok before she comes. A little while later, Hashim came in.

"She's here".

"Okay". I replied but he still stood there and I looked at him.

"I'm waiting for you". I picked the veil beside me and placed it on my already covered head and walked out.

He closed the door and led us to the living room where I could hear their cheerful voice and laughter. They stopped when we came in and she turned to look at me. Batool and Hashim definitely look like her. Hashim is a combination of both her and Baba but of her.

"Ina wuni". I bent slightly to show respect though I didn't believe in doing that.

She didn't reply, instead she looked me up and then turned to Hashim.

"This is the person your father married to you?". I just knew she loved problem.

"Mama..". It sounded like a plea and a warning.

"I'm hungry, let's eat". We moved to the dining and I was just happy I had come out with my phone and not left it.

They served their food and I was the last. I put very small amount on my plate, I didn't want to eat but I'll try and I know I won't go more than three spoons.

"Who cooked?". She asked.

"Ofcourse me mama". Khadija said and I wanted to roll my eyes.

"That is why you don't want to eat the food?". She eyed me and I refrained from speaking rudely but I had no answer that would sound nice.

"She ate earlier, I didn't tell her if your coming before hand". Hashim said and she gave a disapproving look.

They started a conversation and I was bored and eager to leave. I only ate one spoon of the food and I knew I wouldn't put anything in my stomach again so I started plotting how to escape.

"Excuse me". I said finally and left them.

I sighed when I was back in my room, relieved to be away from them. I decided to start packing my things and I did that.

I had finish one suitcase when Hashim came to tell me she was leaving. I took my veil again and went out. She and khadija were by the door and as all of us bid her goodnight and a safe journey, mine went unanswered. She gave them goodbye hugs and I was unnoticed.

I went back to my room after that and went back to what I was doing. My phone rang and it was halima. I told her I met her mother, she guessed how I was treated, but I didn't confirm her suspicions.

The next day, when Hashim came back from wherever in the evening, we left khadija's house for mine. It was the best thing that happened in weeks.

As usual, the ride was quiet. Not because he really is a quiet person, but we only argue. I don't think we have ever had a meaningful conversation, not that it's a problem.

This house was not as big as khadija's but big nevertheless less. Too big for one person but I'm not complaining, there'll be plenty space for me to be me.

Hashim brought down my boxes, the three of them. I had told Baba to halt on sending my other things before, because my room wasn't exactly big, it's a guest room after all and I didn't want the room to be choked up. But my other things were already sent here, Hashim told me.

He took the two big ones and I took the smallest. We went to the door and he opened it with a key and we walked inside. He turned on the lights and something immediately caught my eye. It was my father's painting in Baba's house.

"Baba said you should have it". I turned to Hashim slightly then faced the painting again.

I was happy it was there, it was the only thing I could connect to them with. I feel like I have started to forget what they were like, what they look like, I don't have any photo except one Baba gave me. We were five in the picture. My parents, myself, Baba and Hashim.

I left the painting to follow Hashim around. He showed me the kitchen, the guest room downstairs and then we went up. There was another guest room, a laundry room, and a study. Then put rooms.

Immediately we entered mine, I didn't bother to check the interior, it didn't bother. I went out on the balcony and fell in love with the view immediately. The sun was setting and from this view it was even better.

"I think the maid will be here in some days". Hashim broke into my thoughts, I forgot he was there.

"Why? I don't need one".

"You'll need someone here for the days I would be away". I turned to him now confused.

"I don't understand days you would be away".

"I'm spending two nights here and two nights at Dee's, like that". No. We should continue how it was in khadija's house, everyday is her day.

"You didn't expect me to just drop you here and forget you right?". He asked amused.

"Well...". I trailed off.

"I don't want to be punished by Allah for not being just". Ofcourse.

"I'll be in my room". He started to leave.

"Wait. I don't need a maid".

"I can't leave you alone".

"I'll be fine, it's just two days right?".


"I want to be alone". I said and after a while he nodded and left.

I turned back to admire the view before me, it was perfect. Everything was better now.



We've met Hashim's mother🤐  no comment. But I'll like to hear yours.

Daliah now has her own house, she doesn't get to be frustrated anymore.

Make sure to vote!


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