Chapter 30

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Watch The Throne

It's been three days since Vivian lost her memory, three days since Mount Weather blew up, and they lost all those people. Vivian was trying her hardest to remember things, but the only things she could remember were B and V.

Bellamy was trying to hold it together for Vivian, but it was hard to look at the girl he loved but her not remembering how she loved him. The couple were trying, but Vivian ended up lashing out on him one night because she couldn't remember how they first met.

Right now, Vivian was sleeping on the couch in the council room because she needed to get away, and Kane told her she could sleep there.

"Best we can tell Mount Weather was destroyed by an internal self-destruct mechanism. It worked as designed. Forty-nine of our citizens were lost." Kane explained to the council who were having a meeting.

"So when do we strike back?" Pike asked.

"We don't. The Ice Nation took credit for the attack, and the Commander will bring them to justice." Abby said.

"So, now we're trusting Grounders to punish Grounders? I'm sorry, madam Chancellor, but I lost more than half of my remaining people and four times that since we landed. I also heard that when the kids first got here, Vivian was taken and tortured by them." Vivian slowly opened her eyes hearing her name. "Now, in my experience, Grounders only know one thing, strength. It's simple we need to hit them now. We need to hit them hard. Leave no survivors." Pikes voice boomed, but Vivian stayed still, not wanting them to know she's awake.

"There's nothing simple about this. This attack by Ice Nation was against Lexa, not us." Kane said.

"Are you saying this isn't our fight?" Pike asked, and Vivian wanted to get up and say something because Kane was making sense, but she decided against it.

"I'm saying we were collateral damage in someone else's war." Kane replied.

"But it's not someone else's war anymore. Look, if we don't defend ourselves, they will take what we have. That's what they do. Mark my words. The Grounders are coming for us." Pike spilled out. Vivian couldn't help but think he was right. After what she's been told about them, she couldn't blame Pike for being angry. But she also understood where Kane and Abby were coming from.

"We'll take it under advisement. Meeting adjourned." Abby said. When Pike opened the door to walk out, Bellamy was standing there. "After the election tomorrow, he's your problem." She added and walked out, and Bellamy walked in.

He walked over to Kane, who was sitting down he didn't notice Vivian, who was still lying down on the couch.

"Sir." Bellamy said to get his attention. Vivian stayed still hearing Bellamys voice as Kane looked over at him.

"Why aren't you at your post?" Kane asked, and Bellamy laid his guards jacket down in the table. Kane looked at the jacket then at him.

"Don't do this." Kane said.

"Forty-nine of the people I swore to protect died because I left." Bellamy explained, and Vivian could hear the sadness in his voice.

"That's not your fault, Bellamy. Place the blame where it belongs, on the Ice Nation." Kane said.

"The Ice Nation didn't tell Viv to stay there. That was me." Vivian wanted to hug him right then and there, but she stayed put.

Kane reached out and grabbed onto his shoulder.

"Given the information you had at the time, you made a reasonable choice. You were trying to save lives." He explained, but Bellamy just shook his head.

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