Unwanted encounter... (Chapter.2)

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Adagio Dazzle

- I still didn't believe it, damn it, to top off the fact that I didn't want to be there, I met the most unwanted person possible, I really hated living at that moment, I hated everything, first Sonata and Aria for forcing me to go to that school he didn't want to go to, and then to Sunset for appearing as if nothing had happened after all-.

-"So, we meet again, dear "friends"- said Sunset after a few minutes. Damn, I wanted to hit her, how the hell did she dare to do that after all? -.

-It only occurred to me to try to stay calm, I shouldn't lower myself to her level, I couldn't, just no. After all, I had to live with her until I graduated, it was shit, I know, but there was nothing I could do about it, there was no turning back. When I reacted I turned to look at Aria and Sonata, they were also in shock, I knew I had to say something before those two were going to screw up-.

-"Until we meet, Sunset Shimmer," I laughed lightly, "so, Sunset Shimmer, you're going to show us around the school, right?" Aria and Sonata looked at me-.

-"I suppose that's how it will be, Adagio"-she looked away, I didn't say anything, I just looked at her from top to bottom. She looks cute... I know, that's what I thought, but what the hell was I thinking?, I said later. I rolled my eyes and waited for the damn tour to begin-.

Sunset Shimmer

- What did i say? Why did I said that? I just stayed silent waiting for a response. I looked at Sonata, before we stopped talking, we used to be quite close, we talked a little after we grew apart, but then she started ignoring me, I had it in my mind since then that Adagio didn't want them near me. Sonata also looked at me, but she just looked down with a look... how could I describe it? disappointed? sad? maybe neither of the two-.

-"Until we meet, Sunset shimmer," she laughed lightly, I felt her tone mocking her, that damn thing, she just wanted to disappear, I didn't want to insult her-.

-"I guess that's how it will be, Adagio"- I said and looked away, I noticed that she was looking at me, and I tried my best not to blush, don't judge me, he looked fucking sexy, but damn, he was my ex, so that I had to behave-.

-"Okay, let's start with the tour"- I tried to not be nervous, I turned around and started taking the damn tour, despite being about to tell director Celestia that I couldn't do it and to tell someone. more, but it would be a very low blow on my part-.

-I tried to do the tour the best I could, but I was too distracted with Adagio. I couldn't help being nervous, it's not that I'm uncomfortable being with them, it's just that SHE made me nervous, even though I tried to hide it, I ended up crashing into a damn wall-.

-"SUNSET, ARE YOU-"-Sonata said before Adagio and Aria looked at her and she was silent, Adagio put her hand on her forehead, gently shaking her head like "no". That damn Adagio...-.

-"Are you okay Sunset?" - Aria said in a cold tone-.

-"Yes, I'm fine"- I got up alone-.

-"I thought you knew this place Sunset Shimmer, how could you not see a stupid wall coming?" Adagio said mockingly and the three of them laughed. At that moment I knew that they had changed-.

-"Why don't you better shut up, Adagio?" I said annoyed and continued walking, Adagio rolled her eyes, then they followed me reluctantly-.

-After that I don't have much to say, there were insults and fights between them, I was truly fed up with their "new attitude", they weren't like that, what happened to them? I suppose that in 3 years a person can change drastically, no matter how much you love a person, at some point they will bring out the worst version of themselves when you don't even realize it, but in my case, I suppose it was to be expected, I don't know if their reason for that change was me, but I don't care either-.

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