connections (Chapter.7)

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----Adagio Dazzle----

-We were both on the floor, my heart was racing, my body was shaking. What the hell was he going to do and why was he holding me like that?! I only saw how she got closer and closer and I couldn't even breathe, i really felt myself blushing, i don't know how much, but maybe it was a lot, until suddenly I heard someone opening the gym door...-

-"I think I saw her running here..."- as soon as Sunset heard that voice she shocked and literally flew to the side and fell on her butt on the floor, she winced a little in pain and lay down on the floor like If she was taking a breath, I just looked at her confused-

-"Hi Twily!!"- Sunset said half sitting on the floor-

-"Sunset!! here you are!! I was looking for you all over the school!!"-said the one with the glasses while she gave her hand so that Sunset could get up-

-"Sorry, I was just making sure this crazy girl got what she deserved" -she said looking at me with an evil smile-

-"Ohh, I see, you're Adagio, right? Sunset had told me a lot about you"-she said, extending her hand to me, I just looked at her and got up alone-

-"Yes, I already guess what kind of THINGS she told you about me"-I looked at Sunset with a withering look, she just shrugged her shoulders, feigning insanity-

-"Yes, you can imagine, but hey, my name is Sci-Twilight, it's nice to finally meet you"- she said, extending her hand to me-

-"It's a pleasure too, Twilight, I guess you already know me"-

-"Well, classes start right now, I think we should go"- said Sunset, changing the subject-

-"I say the same"- said Twi looking at sunset smiling-

-"Okay, let's go, Adagio, I'll talk to you later at recess, okay?"- said Sunset smiling, taking Twi's hand-

-"Yeah... see you later, Sunset"- I said trying to smile, when they left I just crossed my shoulders half angry, half confused, what was Sunset supposed to do? She's really crazy, I don't even know what she wants anymore-

-I went to look for Sonata and Aria to go to class, but I spent the entire class watching how the hours went by on the clock, I just wanted rest time to come but classes lasted almost forever!!-

----Sunset Shimmer----

-I literally left there escaping, what an awkward moment when your ex meets your girlfriend, fantastic! I also know Twi and I knew that if she saw me there trying to give Adagio her hug she would give me a lecture!! what a moment, all for a hug, incredible, now what was missing?!-

-I arrived with Twi again with the girls to go to class, the good thing is that i had science the first 2 hour before the break, great!! so I could distract myself!! and I did it, I was able to distract myself, but time flew by, I didn't even see when classes were over! and when I realized I was already on her break walking with the girls, please God, that Adagio had forgotten that I told her I would talk to her, why did I said that?!-

-"Hello Sunset!!"- Sonata said, approaching me with a smile-

-"Hello Sony!! How are you?" I said, returning the smile-

-"I would say everything is fine but the class was very boring, so i'm not THAT good, and you Sunset?"-

-"Well, everything is fine for me"-

-"Oh!! another thing!! before I forget!! Adagio is looking for you, she says that she sees you outside the school" - oh... damn, I started talking to the girls and I swear that I forgot it!!!-

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