Restarting friendships (Chapter.6)

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(Sorry if the photo is ugly but it was the only thing I found 😭😭)

----Sunset Shimmer----

-There was a moment of silence between our two, until she extended her hand to me smiling-

-"Friends?"- she said smiling-

-"Friends"-I said, returning her smile and shaking her hand🤝🏻-

-We both laugh-

-"So... see you tomorrow, I guess"-she said still with the smile on her face-

-"Sure, see you" -I said smiling and then I left waving goodbye, she returned my goodbye-

-Then I went again with the girls, I was already more relaxed, and of course they noticed it-

-"Sunset, darling!! What happened to you? You were distressed just now, you left and came back as if nothing had happened"- said Rarity, somewhat distressed-

-"I just... I settled with a person with whom I was bad, that's all"- I said smiling-

-"Really?!"- Twi said surprised-

-"Yep, the honest truth"- I said smiling at her-

-"I'M VERY HAPPY FOR YOU, SUN"- she said hugging me-

-"Someone explain to me what corrals is happening? I don't understand anything" - Applejack said confused-

-"Calm down, Apple, they'll tell us"- said Rainbow, putting a hand on Applejack's shoulder, looking at us-

-Twi and I looked at each other while the others looked at us thoughtfully. There was a moment of silence-

-"Let's say..."- I said nervously-

-"You have an ex with whom you were previously a very good childhood friend along with two other girls, all 4 of them came from that other pony world that you told us about, but one day they had a very strong fight and you all stopped talking to each other, and since everyone misses each other" - Pinkie Pie said quickly with a smile on her face, the others stared at her strangely, Twi and I were surprised-

-"Yeah... I'm sure that's not the reason"- said Rainbow Dash seriously looking at Pinkie Pie-

-"No, basically she got it right"- Twi said somewhat seriously looking at her, the others were surprised-

-"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?"- Rarity shouted in surprise-

-"Calm your temper, Rarity, it's not THAT bad"- Applejack said looking at Rarity seriously-

-"But why did you never tell us?"- said Rainbow Dash surprised-

-"I don't like to talk about my past, that's all"- I said, looking at them all seriously-

-"But the good thing is that they made up, that's the important thing!"- Twilight said with a smile-

-"Exactly! We should be happy for her!"-Applejack said with a smile-

-We all laughed and they hugged me, then I said goodbye to the girls and left with Twi in my car, I took her to her house and then I went to mine, I didn't stop thinking about Adagio for a moment, and it wasn't a bad thing. , I was really happy-

-----Adagio Dazzle-----

After I said goodbye to Sunset, I thought for a moment and then I smiled, everything was finally over, we had finally made up, we were friends again, but what I didn't know was that it was just the beginning of everything... -

-I went to look for Sonata and Aria, they were talking with a teacher about a project to raise the grade for the time we were gone, we got in the car and went home, and when we were leaving, I saw Sunset laughing with her friends, I was really happy, I smiled, it was what I really wanted, to see her happy. In the car we were singing and laughing, nothing like the morning, was this really what it felt like to be happy? We got home around 3:15, the road was somewhat clear so it took us less time to get there. I did a task I had and I sat in the living room with the girls, Aria and Sonata were watching a movie, so I joined them, until at one point I got a message on my cell phone, I looked at it strangely to see who it was from, It was an unknown number, I was surprised to see what it was about-

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