¿Apologize?... (Chapter.5)

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This chapter will be longer, to compensate for the time I didn't update, so get ready, it's going to be very good 😋🍿🍿

Sunset Shimmer

-I tried to do not pay attention to Adagio and continue enjoying the party, but it was almost impossible for me to do it for the rest of the night. After a few minutes after Adagio had arrived and I had felt the most discomfort moment that a person can feel next to his ex, I was dancing with Twi, but I was a little tired, so I went for a drink at the bar, and there it was her, I tried to ignore her but I couldn't-

-"Well, well... look who we have here..." - said Adagio, looking at me up and down mockingly-

-I just rolled my eyes-

-"Since when you are so rude, Sunset Shimmer?" she said without leaving that mocking tone-

-"Since when you are so annoying, Adagio" I said with an annoyed look-

-"Aww, do you really think that?" she said mockingly-

-"Adagio, can't you leave me alone? Where are your "friends"?" I said, looking at her angrily-

-"They went dancing over there" - she said, pointing them with her finger -"and... weren't you supposed to be with your "girlfriend"?"- she said, changing her face from a mocking one to a serious one-

-"That "girlfriend" has a name, her name is Twilight, and yes, I was with her, but I got thirsty, so I came for a drink, happy?"- I said, rolling my eyes-

-"What do I care about that girl's name?"- she said, looking at me angrily-"I was only worried about you..."- she said in a low voice, looking away -

-"Hey hey, a little more respect for MY girlfriend because she hasn't done anything to you, besides, raice your voice because I didn't understand anything about the last thing you said"-I said, raising my voice while I saw her, annoyed-

-"And if I don't want to, what are you going to do? Punish me with the "magic of friendship"?"- she said, approaching me threateningly-

-"No, but I only asked you to respect for the first time in your life, Adagio, at least, I'm happy now and I don't live bitter, not like others"- I said, returning her threatening look-

-"And the cause of my bitterness comes to speak"- she said with a look... I don't know if it's annoyed? Sad? Or what do I know?-

-For some reason the last comment made me feel bad... I felt like they had just slapped me in the face and made me feel guilty... and at that moment, Twi came to save me, thanks to haven!, the tension between us were too high-

-"Sunset!! Come here!! The next dance is about to start!!"-Twi said excitedly -"Oh... hello, you"-she looked up and down at Adagio, rolled her eyes and then extended me her hand-"Come on, let's go!"- she said, smiling mockingly at Adagio. I took her hand and left with her with a smile-

-"Thank you for going to save me, Twily, you are my angel" - I said, sighing in relief-

-"No problem, Sun, but hey, we have to forget that, let's enjoy the party!!"- she said smiling and we started dancing-

-However, I couldn't get Adagio out of my mind, everything about her that night made me thought. That dress she brought... it was her favorite, then that perfume... it brings back too many memories... if I remember correctly, she was wearing it the day we broke up, I'm always going to regret that...



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