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Naiyvee went to the hospital with Andy to visit Pruitt. She had just walked out of his room to give Andy a minute alone with her dad when she bumped into her sister.

"You on shift today?" Alesha asked.

"Yeah, gonna head over there once Andy's finished talking with Pruitt." Naiyvee said.

"He's gonna be okay, you know?" Alesha placed her hand on Naiyvee's arm.

"You don't know that." Naiyvee said and shoved Alesha's hand off her arm. "He has cancer, Alesha. No one knows that he's gonna be okay until he is." She said.

"Naiyvee-" Alesha tried.

"Just...drop it okay." Naiyvee said. Alesha sighed.

"You spoken to mom?" Alesha changed the subject.

"You sound so American." Naiyvee said and playfully sent Alesha a weird look.

"And you sound so British." Alesha fire back.

"Shut yuh mout." Naiyvee said. Alesha looked at her shocked that she can still speak Bajan after not hearing her speak it for a couple of years.

"Yes i still speak Bajan." Naiyvee rolled her eyes. "You don't speak it with mum?" She asked.

"No, you do?" Alesha asked.

"Yeah. Most of the time." Naiyvee said.

"So, have you spoken to mom?" Alesha asked again.

"Like twice in the past week, why?" Naiyvee asked.

"Why twice? You guys normally talk everyday." Alesha said.

"I've just been busy." Naiyvee rolled her eyes. Naiyvee's phone buzzed before Alesha could say anything. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and noticed a message from Andy letting her know that she's is done. "Uh, i've gotta go, Andy's waiting and shift starts soon." Naiyvee said.

"Okay. Be careful and please don't end up in a hospital bed." Alesha said.

"No promises." Naiyvee said, she stated to walk down the hall.

"If you end up in hospital i'll call mom." Alesha threatened her. Naiyvee waved her off and continued walking to Andy.


"How are we feeling? I am pumped. Are you pumped? You don't look pumped." Maya said. She is walking through the station with Andy and Naiyvee.

"How are my lieutenant thingies?" Andy asked as she touched her bars on the collar of her shirt.

"No, no, not thingies, bars." Naiyvee said.

"Beautiful, shiny, badass lieutenant bars." Maya added. They stopped. "Remember, Jack may have experience on his side, but you have the hunger, eye of the tiger." She said. The three women continued to walk through the station.

"I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter Dancing through the fire-" Naiyvee sang. Maya nudged her in her side, hiding her smile as she tied to stay serious.

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