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Naiyvee is sat in the beanery with Vic, Travis, Dean and Ben. The four are eating breakfast whilst Naiyvee is drinking a glass of milk.

"So hold on. Herrera and Bishop are on a stakeout? Like a- Like a stakeout-stakeout?" Ben asked, sitting at the table next to Travis.

"It's standard procedure if cops are planning a bust where somebody could get hurt. It's pretty routine, happens like once a month." Travis said explained.

"Roll call, everybody." Jack said once he walked into the beanery but no one heard him.

"I want to go on a stakeout." Dean said.

"Same." Ben said. Pruitt walked in and stood next to Jack observing.

"Mm-mmm. Nope. No, you don't. It takes hours of just sitting there, doing nothing." Travis said with a mouth full of food.

"Until something awesome happens and a swarm of good guys run in, yells at some bad guys, and then somebody busts through a giant glass window on a rope." Dean said.

"Yeah, you know, i'm sure it goes down just like that." Vic said and shared a look with Naiyvee.

"Guys, come on. Let's get going." Jack said but no one heard him again as they were all talking at the same time.

"...stakeouts so nobody will bring up the fact that he went to JJ's house this morning." Travis muttered loud enough for them all to hear.

"What?!" Vic exclaimed loudly, scaring Naiyvee causing her to jump.

"You didn't want to lead with that?" Ben asked. Everyone chuckled.

"Guys!" Jack yelled. They all instantly went quiet and looked at him. "Roll call. I think today's a good time for inventory and routine maintenance checks. Every tool. Every hose."

"Jack, what happened to doing things on our own schedule?" Travis asked.

"That's a very good question, Travis." Pruitt spoke up. "Maybe Gibson is rethinking his approach of doing whatever he wants whenever he wants."

"Warren, your on hoses. Montgomery, check the rigs. Hughes and Lopez, tool maintenance. Miller, floors." Jack ordered.

Dean sighed, Ben held his glass up in the air and Vic gave a thumbs up.

"And for me today, Gibson?" Pruitt asked.

"Well, you're at reception, sir. Same as always." Jack replied.

"Very good." Pruitt hit jack on the arm hard causing him to lean sideways. Pruitt walked out of the beanery. The five sat at the talks shared looks with each other.

"Chore time. Let's see that hustle." Jack said.

"I haven't ate." Naiyvee said slowly.

Jack ignored her and clapped as no one moved. They all stood up.

"Let's go." Vic said.

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