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Naiyvee is sat in Andy kitchen with Maya as Andy makes lunch for her dad.

"So you just ran from ryan's front porch? Like a stalker." Maya said, eating a strawberry.

"Not a stalker. A person who thought she knew what she wanted to say, but at the last minute, changed her mind too late, because doorbell, so i hid in the bushes and said nothing and just... watched him go back inside." Andy said.

"Hmm. Like a stalker." Naiyvee hummer. Andy glared at her.

"Look, my dad'll want to eat cheesesteaks today with everyone else. Don't let him. Make him eat this." Andy instructed, packing it away.

"I don't know if i can make your dad do anything." Maya said.

"Naiyvee can, but, guilt him, then. Tell him i spent my whole morning making him a healthy lunch when i should have been focusing on my test today." Andy said.

"He'll probably just say that you should have gotten me to make it whilst you focus on your test." Naiyvee said.

"Which we all know you have in the bag. You've already aced the written exam. Today is gonna be a piece of cake." Maya said.

"Today will be the hardest thing you've ever attempted. In your life." Pruitt walked in.

"Morning." Andy greeted him with a kiss on his cheek. "This is for you. Naiyvee and Maya are gonna give you a ride."

"I am perfectly capable of feeding and driving myself. You know what this test is called, correct?" Pruitt asked.

"The incinerator!" Maya sighed. Pruitt pointed at her.

"Because it can burn you alive. Literally. And figuratively. It's designed to test every single aspect it takes to be captain." Pruitt explained.

"I know, dad. I know." Andy nodded.

"Do you know, the day i took the test, somebody died?" Pruitt asked. "This is not a chaste little drill. It's a real fire in a real building. They call it a controlled burn, but fire isn't something that any of us can really control. The only way to get through this test is to show it who's boss."

"Luckily, i boss very well." Andy said and Pruitt chuckled. "Eat."

The doorbell went off.

"That's probably Jack." Andy said, placing her cup down.

"Jack?" Maya and Naiyvee chorused.

"Yes, Jack. We're carpooling to the test." Andy said, grabbing the things she needs.

"Curious choice." Pruitt mumbled. Andy laughed.

"Just because we broke up doesn't mean we can't sit in a car together for twenty stupid minutes." Andy said.

"Don't do anything stupid or get yourself killed." Naiyvee said.

"I won't." Andy kissed her forehead before walking out.

"Good luck!" Maya called after her.

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