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"Ladder, Engine, Station 19, respond, structural fire." Dispatch went off just before their shift ended.

Naiyvee walked into the barn at the same time as Maya.

"I know it didn't start at the blue fire, since i was clearly the one doing the crushing there." Andy said to jack as they started to put their turnout gear on. Naiyvee and Maya walked past them.

"Oh! Listen to the smack-talk. I'm like a proud mama." Maya said, proudly.

"Proud sister right here." Naiyvee grinned and put her own turn out gear on.

"I haven't had my turn yet as acting captain yet. Just wait." Jack said.

"Yeah, and i've still got an hour left on my shift. You wait... for me to crush you some more." Andy said.

"Miller says he's starting a top-floor evacuation." Pruitt called out.

"Copy that." Travis said.

"I can take your dad home." Ryan said to Andy.

"Oh, thank you." Andy whispered back.

"Grab some extra tanks for Miller and Warren." Pruitt ordered.

"Already packed, sir." Maya said. Naiyvee got in the ladder with Andy and Maya.

"So that stuff back there with Jack, was that a 'we just got it on in the turnout room' smack talk?" Maya asked once they pulled out of the station.

"Or 'we almost got it on, but got interrupted by the alarm' smack talk?" Naiyvee asked as she leaned forward to the two. Andy pulled a face.

"Or 'we're really confused because we're in competition but just drove through blue fire, which was really hot, but we still haven't talked about that engagement ring hanging over our heads yet' sma— Ah, yes. That's the one." Maya said once she noticed Andy's facial expressions.

"See, you can keep Jack a secret from the station, but you can't keep secrets from us. Don't even try." Naiyvee and Maya smiled as they arrived at the scene.

"Let's do a full evac on the building! Better vent." Andy said. "Warren, you want to head up the sounding?" She asked.

"Absolutely." Ben replied from in the back of the aid car.

"All right. Nice and easy, guys. No big swings today. Let's go." Andy instructed as Naiyvee started getting the equipment needed out of the truck with Bishop, Vic and Ben.

"Warren, tell me why we vent the roof of structure fires." Maya said.

"Uh, ventilation pulls the fire up and out of the building, preventing air from fueling the fire inside.
That means less spread, less damage. It's pretty genius, actually." Ben smiled.

"Okay, your enthusiasm's at a ten right now. I need you to bring it back down to a five." Maya told him.

"Of course i'm at a ten. Look, I just survived a ring of invisible blue fire, okay? And now, this! It's - it's a rush. It's like, uh— it's like every time I step into the O.R., I got to do a Whipple." Ben buzzed with excitement.

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