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Naiyvee walked with Vic and Dean into reception where they saw Andy talking to Jack and Travis.

"With midsole support that decreases foot fatigue and a side zipper." Travis said as they stood behind him and Jack. "It's..." He trailed off and stood next to Dean. Maya walked in and stood next to Naiyvee.

"It's a big expense, Jack. The kind of decision co-captains might discuss and eventually cosign, unless one of the captains thought they no longer had to discuss decisions with the other captain because he felt he was somehow already captain." Andy said, sending Jack a glare and walked into the captains office.

"Just boots, Herrera. Just boots." Jack said loudly and walked into the office behind her.

"I don't like to talk-" Andy started and shut the door behind Jack.

"You think we won't get the new boots now?" Dean asked, staring at the office door.

"No, new boots are not worth this. They have been bickering all week." Vic said before she turned to Naiyvee. "Lopez, you speak Herrera. Go make it stop."

"I do not speak Herrera, i don't even speak Lopez so no can do." Naiyvee said.

"Bishop." Vic sighed.

"Well, she is tired of me interfering. She told me to back off. You were there." Maya's phone rang. "I'm backing." She answer her phone.

"Oh, no, don't back." Vic started.

"This is Bishop." Maya checked her watch and started walking away.

"Don't back. Backing is bad." Vic dropped her arms down by her side and turned to look at Travis and Dean.

"I'm not getting in the middle of that." Travis said.

"Nah, i'm good. Mm-mmm." Dean shook his head.


Naiyvee is at the store getting food for the station with Andy, Vic, Maya and Ben.

"Warren. Think fast!" Andy said. Bens head snapped up as ahead threw a piece of fruit to him and he caught it.

"Lopez! Heads up!" Andy grinned as she throw some bananas at Naiyvee who caught them effortlessly without looking up. She scrunched her nose up and gagged slightly before dashing them back to Andy.

"Ew." Naiyvee said in disgust and Andy laughed at her reaction knowing that Naiyvee hates bananas, even touching them or looking at them makes her feel nauseous.

"Hughes! Comin' your way!" And threw grapes to her and Vic caught it before putting it in the cart.

"Okay." Vic chuckled. "Okay, what happened? You were not this earlier. This morning, you were all..." She growled. "and-" She whined. "And now... Was it Jack? Did he do this to you?"

"What?" Andy scoffed. "No."

"Oh. Did he mess up the captain race?" Vic gasped. "Oh, did he piss Frankel off? Come on. I want to hear all about it. Deets. go."

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