Pranaav mood being off

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Pranaav POV

Finally this meeting got overed. I saw Vihaan infront of my cabin pacing to and fro.

"What happened to you? "

"Sir actually...sir someone in yo..your cabin." By great difficulty Finally he told. But he doesn't have any stammering problems neither i am angry that he is afraid.

"She.? Who.?"


"Leave I'll see myself with whom you are afraid."

"Sir! I'm not afraid of her." Then he murmured something. I ignored and went towards my cabin. As i opened the door i was shocked.

"Ayeesha?" My blood started boiling by flashbacks. My eyes became red with anger.

"Pranaav! " She came running to hug me.

I just backed off. I threw the anger look towards Vihaan. He just looked down.

"LEAVE " i said while looking towards Vihaan but he was busy looking at marbles. I shouted "Vihaan! LEAVE ". He just flinched and went away.

"Pranaav! I missed you soo much. I know you are still heads over heel in love with me. I can give us a second chance." She said by putting her hands around my neck.

Only i knew how I'm controlling my anger. I jerked her hands from my neck.
"Just leave! I don't want to create a scence in hospital." I said while glaring at her."

"Pranaav! Darling! I'm ready to give us the second chance."

"JUST GET LOST" I just shouted at my topmost voice. She was just adding fuel to my anger.

I didn't want to create a scence over here so i simply rang the bell.

"Pranaav!" Security then took her out.

I was feeling uncomfortable so i opened my tie, rolled up my sleeves and decreased the room'stemperature. Suddenly message popped up. Unwilling i decided to go to that destination.

Aieeda POV :

I was late at party by 30 minutes. I know the tornado was awaiting for me.' Today she will kill me for sure.' I murmured.

"Aieeda dii" i heard a voice came and suddenly i was hugged. I got spinned by such a force.
She was Niharika (Shivi's sister).

"Oh god! You scared me."

"Sorry dii! I was soo excited to see you. You came after soo many days."she grinned.

"Yaa! Anyways! Tuffan kaisa hai?"
She looked blank.

"Shivi?" I said hitting her head little.

"Oouch! My hair." She said poutting.
"Shivi di tayar hoo rii. Don't worry you are safe."

I sighed and then we both laughed.

"Btw, today you are looking soo pretty! Especially in this gown! Wow!" She said while rotating me.

I giggled. "So do you!"

 "So do you!"

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