Aieeda's breakdown remembering her past

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If you all are still reading then do vote for story! And thank you to all my friends those who all supported me. Thank you sooo much! 🥺🥺❤❤
Soo let's continue our story back!

Aieeda POV:

The atmosphere was cool and pleasant. But there was a turmoil in my mind. 'How is dadi?'' What happened to her?' 'How will dad react?' 'Will he like my presence there?'. All these thoughts were making me insane. I shrugged it off and dailed Asif brother number.

On call:

Aieeda: Assalamualaikum bhaijan! Wo..wo...

Asif: Assalamualaikum! Kya ho gya? Why are you stuttering?
(What happened?)

Aieeda: No. Just wanted to know how is grandmother now?

Asif: Hmm..she's ok but can't say fine. She eagerly wants to meet you. From the time she heard about your arrival she got happy. She miss you Aieeda! Uhmm..not only her you have your cousins who misses you badly. And ammi,chacha and chachi all are busy in preparation.

Tears started forming in my eyes. I tightly shut my eyes preventing tears from falling and gulped. I know dream-career is very important to fulfill but more than this family is something which can't get replaced.

Aieeda: Abbu? (Father) Abbu! Kya wo khush hai?
I asked in hope for a positive response because of the conversation of mom last night.

Asif:wo...He is happy i know that but he doesn't show. Simply cover the expression with cold face. As father as daughter.

Hearing last line a chuckle left from my mouth. People usually used to say that i have gone to my father. I guess it is true.

Aieeda: Hmm..okk I'll be there in few hours. I think it's the time for plane now. I'll going now. Bye! Take care.

Asif: okk! We all are eagerly waiting for you behna (sister). Bye! Have a safe journey.

While resting my head on headback of plane I messaged Shivi.

A/O: Got the seat and I'll be switching off my phone. Bye! I'll message as soon as i reach there.

As i was switching Shivi's message popped up.
S/O: Okk! Safe journey bro! And safe meeting too!! Have your lunch on time. Bye.

My lips curved into a smile. We were best friends but always behaves as sisters. I told her everything last night only about ammi phone.


I dailed Shivi no. i needed to tell someone about the turmoil taking place in my head. No one better can understand me more than her. Or should i say i only opened my heart to her.

Shivi: Oohhoo!! You went away just now and started missing me. Hm..Not bad not bad!

Aieeda: Sh..shivi (i said in my voice which was at verge of crying.)

Shivi: Aieeda!!! What happened?? Why are you crying?? Who made you cry?? Just utter the dammm name..

Aieeda: Just li..listen to me...

Aieeda: (after great difficulty i gathered my voice) Shivi..

Shivi: hell with this call! I'm coming now. Just wait for 5 minutes. I'll be there. No need to cry baby!

Aieeda: Ok..come fast then.

I was waiting for her. The only thought making me cry was my past. I closed my eyes and felt the cold air on my bare skin.I shivered at the sensation of coldness on my skin. I never showed my fragile side to anyone except Shivi. She was in my worst time and encouraged me to face it rather than being fragile. She never failed to motivate, protect or help me.

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