Their first meeting

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Hey guyss! Here the next episode. If you all like the story then like it it just motivate to write further. In this way i get courage and support to continue my story. Thank you for reading till here.❤

Pranaav POV:

I was heading towards my hospital. My assistant has called and reminded me for 5 times for the director of boards meeting. Like seriously! I'm his boss not any kid. Here we go once again my assistant call. "Sir where are you?"
"Yaa! I'm coming. You have already reminded me 5 times this 6th time. Is it any question paper answer that you are making me memorizing it. Dare u call once again!" In irritated tone i said.

To avoid the traffic i choose another route which was long but traffic problem wasn't there. The route was desserted. "Not a single car. Wow! I guess Allah is on my side. Huh! After all even Allah doesn't want this handsome man to tense." I then turned on the music on my spotify list.

Suddenly i applied brake and the view infront of me made my blood boiled. One girl was checking her car unknowingly the fact that 4 boys were ogling her in bad way. I wanted to snatch their eyes. I started going towards their direction by getting off my car. As i was heading forward i saw those boys forwarding towards the girl.

They started saying some vulgar things to her and then one of them put his hand on her waist. That's it i wasn't expecting this. Atleast the girl should have slapped him once or removed his hand. But i can understand how she must be feeling now soo i went towards them and in angry tone i said "LEAVE THAT GIR" i wasn't completed yet suddenly the scene got reciprocated. That girl kept her hand on his hand and gave him a stare and with a jerk of minute she rotated his hand in 180°. He screamed in pain with the sound of cracking his bone. The pain was visible on his face and he desvered it.

"Make sure next time u hold any girl's waist or hand it's your right hand as left hand has already broken. How many times will u want ur left hand to be tortured. Give a chance to ur right hand too." She said in sarcastic tone with authority held in her voice. With that she pushed him by hitting him by his elbow on his backbone. She gave rest of them a deadly stare. They all ran away seeing that form of the girl. They didn't expected the girls to bebold inthis way. She was watching them running.

I went towards her and also saw them running. I chuckled and said "Woahh! I wasn't expecting this climaxe. I'm impressed."
She turned towards to me and i saw her beautiful brown eyes with long eyelashes. 'Really beautiful' i said in my mind. I came out of my thoughts when i heard her voice but this time it was sweet.
"Why? Were you expecting that same old movie scence that you will come as a hero and save me from that goons. Huh? And secondlyi didn't did anything to impress you."she asked while raising her one brows. Really! She looks soo cute right now.
'Huh? Stop.' I said to my inner voice.
"Hh! Noo i didn't mean in that way." Even i said in serious tone.
"And there are many girls who still need protection. But NOT ME!" She said in serious and sad tone.
"Hmm! I guess you are right. You don't need any man for your protection."i said smiling. She was really different. She wasn't a scared kitten, she was the woman with attitude and holds authority. That makes her look hot.
'Aah! Stop stop my pervert thoughts.' I screamed in my mind.
She was just glaring at me did she heard me. Then I'm dead today.
"Btw! Myself Pranaav Syed. "I said extending my hands to clarify that she listened or not.
"Not interested to introduce myself." She said and went towards to her car and left.

I was still standing there with my open mouth. I was amused. She ignored me. Attitude! Till date no girl has ignored me. She was really different. I shrugged my thoughts and went towards my car. And he dared to call once again.
"Hello sir! When will u come? They might be reaching here soon."
"Vikas! Mera baccha tu chinta mtt kar main pauhoch jaunga time pe. Abb call mtt karo!" I said in sarcastic way but i was irritated and cut the call. After that i drove the car for my 'workplace'.

Aieeda POV:

After 2 hours of meeting with Mr . Oberoi we finally signed a deal on project. Suddenly while working Riya came in without knocking. She was panting. I stood up and went towards "what happened? ".
"Ma'" she started sobbing. I got worried. "First sit! Here! Take it." While forwarding the glass of water. She drank in one go.
"Now tell me what happened? " i sat infront of her.
"Ma'am my brother meet with an accident. Doctor told it's serious." She hugged me started crying. I patted her back "don't worry Riya. We all know Arjun (Riya's brother). He's very strong and brave. Nothing bad will happen. Hmm"
She backed off after sometime.
"Go to your family now. They need you. Hmm?"
"But Ma'am..."she tried to say something but i cut her in middle.
"No but no if. You are going. I'll handle everything here. Family is very important."i said unknowingly tears formed in my eyes while remembering some moments.
Suddenly she hugged me again.
"Thank you ma'am. Thank you so much. You are really kind hearted person."
"Huh? I think today morning someone called me cold hearted person"
"Sorry ma'am "
"It's fine. Now go. I'll book your tickets and forward you. Take care"
"Thank you ma'am. Take care. Bye ma'am."

After some time i remembered that today Riya was supposed to go and check our one branch system. So i decided to go by myself.

I took the short route which looked desserted. Here we go! My car suddenly stopped. I tried to start but in vain. So i went to check engine. Suddenly i felt someone's hand on my shoulder. There were 4 boys or shall i say goons. I tried to ignore them as i don't have too much time to start a fight now. But it went to extreme when i felt his hand around my waist. I felt disgusted and anger. Suddenly one voice came in my favour. But i wanted to teach them a lesson so they won't do with other girls out there. I just twisted his hands harshly. I heard his scream and brone cracking sound. Yes! I felt nice. "Make sure next time u hold any girl's waist or hand it's your right hand as left hand has already broken. How many times will u want ur left hand to be tortured. Give a chance to ur right hand too." I glared all of them and leave him pushing his elbow on his backbone. The rest were scared just by this scene. They started running. I smiled.

Suddenly i heard a voice "Woahh! I wasn't expecting this climaxe. I'm impressed." I turned and saw he was the same man who stood for my favour and that time but why wasn't he expecting this. Was he also a persons who have old society stretotypes.

"Why? Were you expecting that same old movie scence that you will come as a hero and save me from that goons. Huh? And secondlyi didn't did anything to impress you."
He said with a straight face "Hh! Noo i didn't mean in that way"
I then realized he just wanted to help me.
"And there are many girls who still need protection. But NOT ME!"
I don't know what gotten me and i was opening with him.
"Hmm! I guess you are right. You don't need any man for your protection" i said with a smile.
I saw him smiling. He is handsome. And dark brown orbs made him look so hot and sexy. AIEEDA WHAT'S HAPPENING WITH YOU?

I suddenly saw his expression changing in seconds. He looked cute though. AIEEDA I WIL SLAP YOU. JUST STOP. I was fighting with my own inner voice.

"Btw I'm Pranaav Syed" he introduced himself.
I just wanted to run away from here. God knows what happening with me.
"Not interested to introduce myself." After that i left from there. I sighed "God knows what happened to me. I hope he didn't did any black magic. Thank God! Shivi was not here. Otherwise she would have teased me till death." I murmured to myself while going driving. After checking all the systems of that branch i came back to car. As i going to drive message popped up "Kal shaam ka party hai 5 bje. Aana hai tereko! 😑" Shivi's message. This girl highlighted this last line. I went back to my office for leftover works.

Heyy guyss!!
I hope you all are doing well.
If u all read then do like and comment ur thoughts.❤
See you all soon!

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