Chapter 40

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Next Day
Phoenix, Arizona
3:35 pm

Luna's P.O.V
We had landed in Arizona a couple of hours ago, and we were barely getting to the arena. Jon was in the main event and my match was before his. Yes, I'm still fueding with Renee and Jon is still involved.

After I put my bags in my locker room, I walked to the catering and met up with the girls. I saw all of them in the corner talking, I went over to them "Hey guys!" I smiled.

"Hey girly" Eva said. The rest of the girls said greeted me.

"You ready for tonight's match against Renee?" Nattie asked.

"Yes" I smirked. "To be honest this fued is getting really boring but so fun at the same time" I laughed.

Ashley came over with Colby at her side, "Hey guys" she smiled."Hey boo boo" I said. "Um Colby how about you go find us a table" Ash said. "Sure" he said walking off with a confused look. "Excuse me girls mind if I take Luna to talk in private?" Ash asked looking at all the girls. I know what this about, I already know. "Go ahead girly" Nikki said. They all agreed, Ash pulled me out of the catering to the hallway of the arena.

"Have you still thrown up yet?" she said.

I knew it I thought. "Last time was this morning after we landed and first got to the hotel" I said scratching my head.

"Lu you don't think, you know, pregnant?" she asked.

"I really don't know, and I'm really scared what if I am?" I said sitting down on one of the metal boxes.
She sighed, "Have you talked to Jon about it?" she asked. "No I'm afraid" I sighed.


"I'm scared that he'll leave me if I am pregnant and I have to raise the baby on my own."

"Luna Garcia! he'd never do that! that man lives you too much and adores you a lot, he's always gonna be there for you no matter what" Ashley said.

"Have you booked your appointment at the doctors yet?" she asked.

"Yes this morning after I threw up" I have her a weak smile. "I have to go in on Wednesday at 2:30."

"Okay, I'm still going with you" she said.

"Thanks girly" I smiled.

"Anytime" she smiled giving me a side hug.


I was preparing for match that was next and I was really nervous. Like what if I throw up if Renee kicked me in the gut. I would die of embarrassment in the ring, literally.
My music hit and I skipped down the ramp, Renee was already in the ring acting like she was getting ready to kick my ass. Sorry hun it ain't gonna work.

Once I got in the ring my stomach had that weird feeling again. I got nervous, I just had to keep it in. The referee signaled to ring the bell and we started the match.

Luckily during the match I kept my cool but my stomach was still hurting. Renee kicked me in the gut like I knew she would and I fell on the mat holding my stomach as I layed there in pain. I ended up losing the match.

I ran backstage, Jon ran up to me with a worried look on his face. "You okay baby?" he said hugging me. I pulled way quickly, "I gotta get to a restroom" I convered my mouth. I team to the bathroom in my locker room and threw up.

What if I am pregnant?

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