Chapter 44

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Monday Night Raw

Luna's P.O.V
I was on my way to talk to Stephanie and Hunter about giving me some time off until the baby is born and i'm ready to get back into competing. I knocked on the door and Hunter opened it, "Luna! what a surprise come in, come in!" he said. I nodded and walked in, I sat down on one of chairs in front of their desk.

"What do you need?" Stephanie smiled.

"I'm pregnant" I signed looking down at my feet. "Wow.. um" Hunter and Steph said at the same time. "That's very good news to hear! Congrats!" Stephanie said breaking the silence. "Now about the divas championship, I think we're gonna have a battle royal next Monday night on RAW" Stephanie said looking at Hunter then back at me.

"Just go out there tonight and say that your gonna be off for a while do to injuries from renee" Hunter said. I nodded "Okay, thank you guys so much" I stood up giving Steph a hug and shaking Hunter's hand."See you in a couple months!" Steph said. "And Luna before you go, may i ask who the father is?" she added.

"Jon" I smiled then walked out the door.


My music hit and I walked down to the ring, the crowd was going crazy and there were a little bit of boos. I grabbed a mic and walked into the ring. I put the mic to my mouth but the crowd kept cheering, they knew something was up. I chuckled, "You guys are too much i love it!" I said. They cheered even louder, "The reason why i came out here is that I'm gonna announce something amazing that had happened to me" I said.

Retaliation played and Jon walled down the ramp with a huge smile on his face, he looked at me and got in the ring. "Hellooo darling" he cooed.
"Hello Dean" I said, "What was it you were going to say?" Jon smirked.

The crowd started singing, "Dean and Luna sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G" I laughed at what they were doing, "You guys are too cute" I smiled. I looked at Jon, "What I was trying to say is that.." I sighed with a smile on my face "I'm pregnant!!!" I smiled. The crowd was going bezerk, they couldn't believe what I had just said. They chanted This Is Awesome! and Million Dollar Baby! I smiled, "And you'll never guess who the father is" I chucked. The crowd chanted Ammbrooose I giggled and looked at Jon again.

"Ambrose" I smiled.

The crowd was going mental, they were so happy and the whole arena was filled with cheers and chants. "Now that I have everyone's attention, I have a question for you" Jon smiled at me.

He got down on one knee, THIS IS NOT HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!! I thought to myself. I covered my mouth as I kept giggling and my face was turning red. "Luna Garcia, will y-you mar-ry m-me?" Jon said, he was so nervous. I looked at the crowd, as they were chanting Yes! Yes! Yes!

I smiled and looked back down at Jon, Our blue eyes met another. "Yes" I smiled. Jon jumped in the air in excitement, he lifted me and have me a huge hug. I cried because this was really happening. We pulled apart from each other and I kissed him on the lips.

He put on the beautiful diamond ring around my finger. I looked at the crowd and saw all the happy faces of the wwe universe. "I'm gonna miss you guys so much, I'll be back before you know it" I said in the mic. I still had tears in my eyes as I was filled with happiness and sadness.

I locked hands with Jon, he helped me out of the ring as we walked up the ramp diverter. I took one last look at the crowd and waved goodbye.

I wakes behind the curtain only to be surrounded by the entire superstars and divas. "Congrats girly!!!" Nikki said hugging me. The rest of the divas joined me and Nikki for a group hug. I saw Renee standing there with a losses off look in her face, she looked like she literally wanted to murder me. Her plastic face said it all.

I just ignored her and continued to talk to all the superstars and divas. People were also dining my stomach even though I didn't have my baby bump yet. Jon was by my side the whole time, I still couldn't believe that I'm engaged to Jonathan Good. I missed him on the cheek and lips like a million times already.

"Ready to go to the hotel?" he said.

"Yes" I smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too baby girl."

Me and Jon arrived to our hotel about an hour after raw had ended, I was so beat. I layed down on the bed and shut my eyes until I felt a figure rubbing my head. I opened my eyes and there was nothing there. I was freaked out, Jon was in the bathroom taking a shower and I'm alone in the room. I looked across the room and saw a shadow standing by the chair, years came to my eyes as I knew who it was. My brother Dominic, Nikko's father, who had died a few years back in that horrible accident.

I blinked and looked again but this time the shadow was gone. I layed back down and continued to cry. I missed him so much, and my sister and nephew. I had to go back. I haven't been in touch with them since Wrestlemainia.

Jon came out and sat next to me on the bed. "When are you planning on going back to L.A. ?" he asked rubbing my stomach. "Soon, and you're coming with me!" I said giggling. "Of course!" he smiled kissing my lips. "Mind if I?" noon asked looking down at me, "Sure" I smiled.

He got on his elbows and sat leaned by my stomach, "Hey you, it's me daddy. I'm here with mommy right now and she's resting. guess what, we're getting married! I can't wait for you to be in this world. I'm gonna love you do much, I can't wait until you're here. Soo, um goodnight my little angel." Jon whispered. I giggled and noon layed back down beside me.

"Goodnight Mr.Good."

"Goodnight Mrs.Good."


I woke up the next morning and Jon was gone. I saw a note by my bed and picked it up.

Went To The Gym With Colby and Joe. I'll be back in about an hour and a half. Love you baby (:

I put the note back down, and put my hair in a messy bun. There was a knock on the door."Must be Jon" I mumbled. I got up from the couch and opened it. Nobody was there except for a huge bouquet of roses. I looked around and picked them up. I closed the door and set the flowers on the coffee table. There was a little note and I grabbed it. My eyes widened at what I had seen.

After All This Time I Found You, And Now ... I'm Coming For You Luna.

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