
143 12 28

Draco Malfoy

I stood there hidden by the tree. It hadn't been necessary but I knew better than to underestimate muggles, especially these days. I needed to keep my head down so there would be no chance for anyone to remember my face. My mission had ended in failure and I still had nothing to show for it.

Those damn rebellions snuck out before I could get here, I could only get my hands on one of them, who owned this house, they had oblivated him so he was of no use, I had to kill him. And his neighbour had to come just after five minutes ringing the bell, I had to leave without taking care of the dead body.

Muggles make big deal out of everything, there are paramedics in front of that house, people gathering around to know what happened.

Someone died that's what happened.

The crowd moved slightly and another figure caught my eye. A woman with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes was standing at the edge of the crowd, her gaze was fixed on the house in confusion.

She moved slightly, the light from the sun highlighting the blonde strands of her hair as they swayed in the breeze. Her arms were wrapped around a young girl. Her lips seemed to move but I couldn't hear what she was saying to the young girl. I realized I was staring at her without meaning to.

She's turned her head to talk to a black haired girl with a little boy in her own hands, they both made their way a little further in the crowd, talking with two older women. Probably asking what's happening.

She was pretty. For a muggle.

I watched her for a few more seconds, and my heart started beating a little faster. Muggles usually don’t interest me, but this one… something made her stand out from the crowd. Atleast for me.

Her blonde hair and bright blue eyes were captivating, and it was obvious that she had a kind heart. She still had the little girl in her arm, while the little girl wrapped her arms around her. Her motherly nature made her even more attractive, which was strange for me to feel this way.

The girls had stopped talking to the older ladies and they seemed to be asking what was going on. I'm staring at her I couldn't help, I watched her lips move as she says something to the balck haired girl, before they both made their way out of the crowd with those two kids still in thier arms.

As they passed me, her eyes met mine for a split second and mine caught the light blue color of hers, she doesn't actually notice me, when she's walking forward with a little girl in her arms and the balck haired girl walking besides her with a little boy in her own arms.

Without even realising I start to follow.

I kept my distance as I followed her through the crowd. It felt like an eternity until she finally reached her destination - a suburban home on the outskirts of the neighborhood. I stayed hidden in the shadows, of the tree across from her house.

She unlocked the door talking about something with the black haired girl, as the two kids ran in the garden.

"Hey! don't run you'll hurt yourself," I heard her voice sweet as honey, Maybe sweeter.

I had never heard a more soothing voice before. The way she spoke was like music to my ears. I could hear myself breathing, my heart beating faster and faster.

This couldn't be right. I tried to tell myself this wasn't normal. Muggles shouldn't have this kind of effect on me.

I had a choice to make here. Leave, or continue to watch her. The rational part of my mind was telling me to stop and leave.

This curiosity about this muggle girl is getting out of my hand.

But the other part of my mind, the one which was starting to get intrigued with this girl was telling me that I needed to know more about her.

I decide to stay.

I watch her laugh with the black haired girl as they're standing under the porch. That laughing face of hers is embedded into my brain now.

I had to know a little more about her. Her name at the very least.

She opens the door and steps inside the house, the black haired girl called the kids in and they listened.

Soon the door closed and I was blocked of my view, I walked around the three to see the window of her living room.

Kids playing on the carpet with their toys, the black haired girl was sitting on the couch, I could see her back, her mouth moving as she talked to the blonde girl who wasn't in the living right now.

It was a quaint house, nothing too fancy or extravagant. Just a regular suburban home. But there was something about it that made it look homey, comfortable, and welcoming.

It's a nice, cozy little house. The walls seem to be painted white, and there's a little bit of decorations here and there, like small plant and painting, it's so different compared to what wizards live in, dark and gloomy.

There are flowers near window sill. And they seem freshly bought.
The black haired girl is sitting on the couch with the little boy and girl playing on the carpet with crayons.

I'm tempted to see where the other girl went, then as if God listened to me, she walks in with two glass of wine in her hands and hands on to the black haired girl and sits on the couch beside her, facing towards the window.

She's a muggle— a part of my brain tried to remind myself. I don't care, I am utterly smitten with her and I hate it— the other part of my brain says.

I couldn't hear her speaking to the black haired girl as they drinked from wine glasses, but that smile on her face, it's enough for me to continue staring.
I didn't realize, I lost myself in her.

She looks so pure, so innocent and untainted.

I almost didn't notice the two kids saying something to her but when they did, her face lit up, she looked so happy

I can not take my eyes off off her, why did I have to see this.

She looks like she is the definition of innocence.

Her beautiful face, her laughing eyes and her soft smile was enough to make a man go insane. For a brief moment I wondered if I should stop. If this was really right. But the thought was quickly dismissed as I continued to stare at her.

Drinking in every last detail of her beauty.

A/N: what do we think?

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