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Roseline Walker

I snatched the flowers from his hands I'm so frustrated from this man or ghost or whatever the hell he is.

He's about to say something but then he winced slightly, he didn't knew I noticed, his expressions darkened as he takes a step back.

What is happening?

I frown looking at the change in his body language and expressions they're tensed, it looked like he was in pain, "What's wrong?" I asked.

I was about to move towards him but he ignored my question, turns around and walks behind the same tree he stands under and then I don't see him. It's like he vanished in the thin air after going behind that tree.

I'm going crazy here. Who is he?

I stare at the tree where the man, or the ghost, or whatever it was, just walked behind. He's vanished from my sight, and there's zero signs of him, it's like he never existed in the first place.

I stare at the tree for a few moments, and then walk towards it, my heart pounding loudly against my chest. I'm not entirely sure why I'm still looking behind this tree, what if he still somewhere around here? Or maybe I'm imagining all this?

Those three white roses he gave me were still in my hand, as I'm looking behind the tree trying to find any secret passage way or anything that would make sense of how he disappears behind this.

I can see that the tree is too thick but there's no secret passage or doorway anywhere, I still can't stop myself from looking behind this tree.

The white flowers are still in my hand, as if they're the only tie to the man I can get any closer. The only proof that he actually exists.

I can't stop myself from walking around the tree, circling it over and over again as though I'm trying to find something behind it. The roses still in my hands, as if I'm clutching onto the last few things that connect us.

This is insane I'm going insane.

I rush back into my house, clutching onto those roses, I looked down at them smelling them as I brought them up near my nostrils.

"Why am I doing this?" I ask myself as I come back to my house, "Am I crazy?"

I keep clutching onto the the white flowers, sniffing them, before I walked over to the table near the window shill of my living room and picked the vase up, filling it with fresh water from kitchen I put the roses into the vase

I place the vase back down on the windowsill. I keep glancing at it from time to time, even though, if I'm being honest, I should just be throwing them away, not keeping them as some kind of souvenir.

"Shit, I have to pick Em up from Lexi mother's house" I curse to myself.

I quickly took my keys, locked the door behind and drove towards Mrs Walsh's house.

As soon as I reached there, Mrs Walsh greets me with a hug, it was a short one since Emily came running to me clutching onto my legs.

I picked her up smiling "Aw did you kiss mommy," I kiss her cheeks.

"Her and luke were just eating some snacks, how are you early by the way? Did you take the day off?" Mrs. Walsh asks.

"Uh yeah, I wasn't feeling good," I say nodding with a small smile.

"I'm good, just a mild headache," I say lying through my teeth. I've got that man from my mind again. What is wrong with me?

"Are you sure it's not migraine?" Mrs. Walsh asked me after glancing at me for a moment.

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