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It was 1am when I reached back at the Malfoy manor, after reporting everything to dark lord. The search for the coin is going on, there are people keeping an eye at the muggle tavern alleys.

I'm exausted, and in pain, my left arm which is marked was bleeding because dark lord found out I killed one of his most loyal death eaters without his permission, and the fact that one of the prisoner broke out under my watch, he didn't knew that I helped her break out, that was a relief. Atleast she was out of the Azkaban now. I made a mental note to check on her tomorrow.

Dark lord went a little extreme with me today, with the pain he causes by the mark on my arm, there's his serpent's poison inside my left arm along with a long slit, trailing down to my palms, the healer said it'd take few days to heal, he had wrapped my arm with bandage soaked with healing potion.

The healing potion helps, at least with the pain. But the slit on my palm remains, a red and tender wound that keeps me from doing anything heavy.

I also knew that dark lord won’t be pleased with my actions, there is a reason I'm supposed to follow his orders. I broke the rule by sparing the life of that woman, and I also killed an important one without permission.

I look down at my arm as I sat down on my bed, touching the beige bandage, that started right below my elbow, wrapped around my wrist, around my knuckles, between the fingers too.

The pain is still there but not as excruciating as it was before. I know for sure I won't be able to sleep tonight.

I close my empty palms in front of my face, winching slightly. I lied down in my bed looking at the dark ceiling, letting my mind wander. letting my mind wander.

I can't help but to think of, Roseline, she's the first thought of mine in these hours.

I know this, because every time I close my eyes. The way she made me feel, I keep imagining her at the edge of my vision. It's her image, the one that fills my head so completely that nothing else exists for me right now.

I remember the day I watched her jumping on her couch with her daughter, or the first time I watched her singing in the living room with the television on, as if no one was watching her, but I was that was the first time I felt myself smile while watching her.

The way she smiles, the way she giggles when her daughter does something playful. She looks very happy in her life even when she's exausted and stressed out, she's always happy. Always smiling despite the fact she's a single-mother of a hyperactive 5-year old kid. She never seems annoyed or angry with anyone or anything. she's just happy.

She's the most beautiful smile I've ever seen, it lights up her entire face and is contagious, and that's why now I can't help but smile as I watch her on my mind.

I remember her hands, how her hands move when she's cooking, how she touches every object she picks up, her body movements as she's talking as if she can't hold back a dance.

And how beautiful she looks in the morning, with the natural light entering the living room window, illuminating her messy bed-hair, and her cheeks which were rosy red from sleeping, the light blue t-shirt clinging to her sweaty body from running after the toddler all morning.

Her lips were chapped, that morning. I could have kissed them.

I remember the day I saw her outside in her yellow dress watering the plants in the garden.

I still remember how beautiful she looks that day, in the sun, her face covered in sweat and water from the garden.

How her dress clung to her body, the way her hips move, her body curves, and the way she had to stop a few times to yell at her daughter for running around so she won't fall.

Strange Addiction & Sweet Relief | 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 18+Where stories live. Discover now